Thursday, June 16, 2016

Terrorized by the News and the American Church of Sophistry and Hateful Tendencies

Hearing Megyn Kelly's horror at the idea no-one believes this bullshit about the Orlando shooter and his connection to ISIS only makes me disappointed the shooter did not do the country and freedom a favor by capping her propagandistic ass too.

She was horrified Americans want universal background checks and that even some Republicans want that.  Her horror is just more pointless propaganda since gun control won't happen anyway and you know it's true because it never does.  People often blame that on Republicans and GOP has the obvious fault for taking the position but it's an easy position to defend when Democrats are such cowardly wastrels.

You saw how people flocked over to Clinton and that should give a fair indication of the spinelessness of the Democrats and why nothing ever changes about gun control.  The Republicans know they don't have to pay attention to Democrats because they're pussies and they will just roll over if the GOP stalls for long enough.  They're right and Democrats just proved it again with Clinton.  Now there are only Republicans on the slate and they can't possibly lose.  That thinking has been working ever since Bill Clinton and they don't have to work anymore.

They win again.  Congratulations but do consider body armor while you (cough) rock the free world.

The sexual provincialism of the American Church of Sophistry and Hateful Tendencies caused the Orlando shooting more than ISIS, Fox News, or the Man in the Moon.  He had a history of instability and violence, particularly toward women, and ongoing curiosity about homosexuality.  He hung about in multiple gay chat rooms and maybe you think that doesn't mean he's gay but when the hell did you ever hang around in one and, by the way, did you see Megyn Kelly there investigating anything.

The shooter was just about as sexually fucked-up as any of the U.S. shooters who jump the tracks for that reason.  It's far from uncommon to see in America incidents in which incipient gay people go berserk and start shooting gay people who are out because they, obviously, caused the shooter's confusion rather than the authority figure of the American Church of Sophistry and Hateful Tendencies.

ISIS is perfect for the American Church of Sophistry and Hateful Tendencies because that bogey man gives them the excuse do to anything they want since they can blame ISIS for it and people will believe them.  Just prop up Megyn Kelly with her trite ideas and Ted Nugent will watch her adoringly while he gets naked and cleans his guns.

Welcome to America.  There are many terrorists in the country but hardly any of them came from the Middle East; most of them came from the American Church of Sophistry and Hateful Tendencies.

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