Saturday, June 4, 2016

Dick Gregory Talks of Shining a Light and The Champ Always Did That

This is a great story more so than a great image, but it’s still well worth a mention. Ali had been passing a high-rise building in 1981 when he noticed a commotion; a man was threatening to commit suicide by jumping from the ninth floor. Ali asked the police officers if he could help and duly coaxed the troubled man down from the ledge.

Photograph: Bettmann/Corbis

Dick Gregory talks starting 7:00 into it and he eulegizes Muhammad Ali indirectly about a year ago in a brilliant discussion about shining a light which means something.  For example, he observes black people got the right to vote before women so what does that tell you.  If you're interested to hear his thoughts on that, watch the video at +7:00 into it.

He talks for about ten minutes and the words are incredibly insightful.

Note:  Lewis Black does the intro and then the outro sets for the evening.

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