Saturday, June 4, 2016

Silas Scarborough Live Playing Fast with No Funny Hats (video)

"Love in the Cemetery" followed by "I Love Rats" and both are quick but these are some fast-moving rats.  These are songs for the sheer merry hell of it with the first one great for killing people and the second one perfect for adoration of rats.  The "Love in the Cemetery" video featured a vampire and many people died.  It was so sad ... so sad I had not recorded the song longer so we could kill more people.  Girls were lining up, I want to get killed by the vampire too, me too, me too!

Yes, that was the Day of the Great Second Life Vampire Riot, long may it be remembered and commemorated.

Your call whether this is playing the fool or joie de vivre ... or death in the case of number of female avatars (i.e. victims).

Start the video at 1:35 into it since one exceptionally thick video editor (i.e. me) uploaded the wrong one.

In hearing "I Love Rats," the thinking immediately goes, are you such a sniveling wimp you cannot do this anymore?

Actually it went to be more reckless with it and that went just fine with the fingers a little stingy but feeling swell.  The video was probably recorded around 2013 so I can cheerfully advise the moves have not disintegrated since then.

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