Sunday, June 12, 2016

Clinton Money is Behind Painting Barack Obama as a Saint

Lately there has been a really nauseating onslaught of apologist memes regarding Barack Obama which paint him as the greatest humanitarian since Mother Teresa.  It's questionable how the people who write such memes managed to overlook the drone bombing and support for unhealthy trade agreements.

There's no way Obama is paying for this campaign when he's been more than clear no-one in his family has any further interest in political office, at least not in this generation.  We hope Malia Obama finds some other pursuit because it's such a dirty business and she's grown into such a lovely woman.

The only one who benefits from painting Obama as a saint is Hillary Clinton since she is banking on being just like him except for when it has been expedient to reverse her previous support for things she did with him.  She's been more facile about this than a kid caught trying to steal lollipops from Mister Trasker's Candy Store.

(Ed:  who is Mister Trasker?)

No idea.  He just sounds like someone who owns a candy store.  His first name is Milton and he came up with a special mix for peanut brittle which won first prize at the State Fair last year.

(Ed:  is that true?)

It's probably true somewhere.

It's looking like maybe the Millennials who have rolled for Clinton now are just the narcissists and they will roll anyway.  For Millennials of the female flavor, Clinton doesn't seem to have made much headway.  Clinton has bagged the nondiscerning hausfrau vote but apparently not much from the real feminists in the Millennials who really are aware of what's happening.

Clinton also does poorly with Independents so we're sticking by the prediction she collapses in the end game if she goes full term.  She's too predictable.  Plus she's too sneaky.  More than anything else, she radiates sneaky to us here at the Rockhouse.

Trump is the ultimate in political carny lunatics but he already has bank in his pocket and it's his money.  He has no reason to curry favor with Wall Street since he has been playing them all his life.  He wants self-serving tax rates ... but so does Clinton and we note Obama never did anything about the tax rate on the rich, neither will Clinton.

(Ed:  we're so fucking tired of Jeanne Dixon fortune tellers!)

Ok, so we don't think Clinton will do anything about those rates.

All in all, it would be better if they kept the idea of saints out of American politics unless they will go all-out Catholic and make them all saints.

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