Sunday, June 12, 2016

Another Mass Shooting and Another Run on the Gun Stores to Get More

People get weepy online in social networks about another mass shooting and it's such gloriously vicarious suffering but the real action is offline at the gun stores where the owners have to work extended hours because of the increased sales.  That happens every time after a mass shooting because the first answer when a lunatic shoots up a bunch of people is for a bunch more lunatics to go out to get more guns.

After that comes a smug speech from Bill Maher in which he throws it out again like a damn Leslie Gore song, maybe you will listen to me now and do something about gun control.  Or maybe no-one will because no-one ever does.  Any damn fool knows that from the course events take after every mass shooting and they have been common in recent decades.

Nobody did anything the last time and, what do you know, it happened again so the only question from that is what did you think would happen.

No point in writing reams of scribes because nothing more will happen this time than has happened after any of the others.  Nothing I write will change anyone so we will leave that to smug Bill Maher to do his standard routine ... and we won't watch.

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