Sunday, June 12, 2016

About Going Bolshevik on the Queen

Nigel Farage is driveling at length about Brexit and how England will be strangled with black people if it remains in the EU.  This was settled previously when England entered the EU but, just like America, the matter will be (cough) debated until all the opponents and proponents die; then it is settled.

We don't care if Brexit gets settled because we are more interested in the blazing contempt Brits have for the Queen and the Royal Family.  The only reason the Brits haven't gone Bolshevik on the Royal Family already is they don't want to be identified with anything Russian or French.  The idea is simply appalling, isn't it, darling.

My family was brought up as symp loyalists but that's ok as all it meant was I liked the parades.  I saw the parade when the Queen Mother came to Sydney and that was grand with schoolchildren lining the sidewalks.  She wasn't even really the Queen, she just made someone who was.

No-one does parades better than the Brit Royals and they're like the Indy 500 of European society insofar as they don't mean much but they sure add a whole lot of color.

They're really good at it too and you can see that quickly in comparing classy Kate Middleton to colonial nouveau riche Chelsea Clinton.  Are you laughing yet?

Yah, we thought so.

Nothing has changed in general since we believe the Bolsheviks found the most cost-effective solution for dealing with the greedy rich:  kill those richie bastards, wipe out their entire bloodlines.  That worked for the Russians for over a hundred years although the Romanovs weren't too pleased with the idea.

We still don't want to waste the Royal Family, tho.  See above about how we love the parades.  The Queen is cool too since she's the only white person I ever saw who has the cool to wear colors black people wear.  The Queen turned out today for the Trooping of the Color in a lime green outfit.  You just won't see color like that at the Kennedy Center but Queen Elizabeth can pull it off anywhere.

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