Wednesday, June 15, 2016

"Children of Man"

"Children of Men" requires a second viewing since I did not give it enough attention.  The premise is humanity has gone sterile around the world and no more babies come.  Right away there's a draw to the metaphor in which a society which has bleached the life out of itself.  As it stands now, there's not much original thought anymore, the music has descended into random chaos, and there are no particular dreams of anything beyond wasting Muslims.  In our view, there couldn't be a deeper case of sterility in the world without a major blast of gamma rays from an exploding star.

(Ed:  is that what makes gamma rays?)

No idea.

The surface reaction to "Children of Men" is regarding the casual brutality in a future England which has descended far lower than "A Clockwork Orange" and those droogies would look like sissy fops in this world.  The portrayal of the future England as a hopeless wasteland of despair is highly convincing.  The movie gives the message of hope we want and also fighting the good fight to realize the hope.  This makes it all the more compelling in terms of breaking out of the hopeless morass of mediocrity in the modern world.

(Ed:  mediocrity?  Wall Street leads the world in high finance!)

Sure, let's review the dreams of a financial analyst.

Right, as we said, mediocrity.

We do know most of them end up like this, however:

Pic is from "Deep Impact"

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