Wednesday, June 15, 2016

"Deadpool" Was a Five-Star Movie Recommendation from Whirli Placebo

"Deadpool" is a Marvel comics movie and ordinarily I look forward to comics movies as much as reruns of "The Partridge Family" but this one is different.  The insane carnage of the comics movies is there but the dialog has a whole different wit and the writers have big, big fun with the entire super hero motif.

Apart from the festival of carnage, the other problem with comics movies is the godawful music.  "Guardians of the Galaxy" is an outstanding comics movie but a big part of the soundtrack brings back B.J. Thomas songs.  That wasn't something Earth needed, much less the entire Galaxy.  Even so, "Deadpool" relies on Wham! so any musical evolution was negligible although it also runs quite a bit of punchy hip hop.

The big appeal of the movie is the dialog and at times Deadpool is throwing out one-liners like a stand-up comedian on-stage.  He may give oblique references to this or that and the result is much better comedy than in other comics movies.  Plus there's a peach of a love story so how can you go wrong.

Whirli Placebo recommended "Deadpool" generally for making a mockery of the seriousness of the genre and it does do an outstanding job of that.  He also said "Ironman" was the best of those which were trying to do a straight-up job of it.  I'll add "Guardians of the Galaxy" to that and I'll be satisfied I have seen all the comics movies I ever need to see.

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