Wednesday, September 16, 2015

German-to-English Translations for Poems on the Blog Today (6)


Always is peace in Used Books
these stories have lived
in the spirit of those who read them
in the stories they will say.

Bricks live like butterflies
But pages always fall the same
Pages can move any bricks
but no bricks ever moved a page

The page asks 'what is real'
and the bricks just fly right past
Yesterday I was a Church
In the morning I'll be a shopping center
'What is it really now,' asks the book
'How can I know,' says the brick

"What Will You Ask"

I have no answer
but no-one has a question
People simply watch
The world passes slowly

I will always have the time
I will ask questions,
I'm going to learn more,
and I'm going to find.

But always comes another look
another time, another trick
Then the darkness will come
and what you will ask.

"Out of Life"

What comes out of life is nothing
and so it comes to an end.
What comes with life is love
and so is your only friend

Much we can learn
We made a Dragon
and it flies
But we have forgotten.
the time we would fly alone

With Love we can fly
Anywhere, anytime
But now there is a danger
Dragons are up there
The Dragon has the heavens
and again we have the ground.

"The Dancing Monkey"

Dance, Monkey, Dance
This is your job
Silly dancing monkey
Amuse me
if you can.
Why should live monkeys
if it can not
amuse me.

I want to be a happy monkey
with many pleasures for you
But your happiness
is the tears of others
so the monkey can not dance
and you can not cry.

This monkey will never dance for PEGIDA.

"I Cannot Stop Falling"

Always comes the music
Always come the words
I run, I fly,
I laugh, I rage,
Always there is the same,
always there will find me.
Demons always scream,
Fairies always cry

We have no way
Only now left is to fly
But this is not your cloud
You can not stay here
and so in the sun I fall
always the way for everything.

"Fucking Refugees"

"Fuck the refugees"
said the American,
"I have no money for driftwood
expensive problems fall in the sea."

This is not my problem
it is always elsewhere
These are not my people
They are not from here.

But we are always together
We are always the same people
and we love our women
and especially our children
We love before we hate
We laugh before we cry
This is how it goes with people
How goes it with you?

Love refugees
In his mirror,
do you see your reflection.
They love their wives
and especially their children
They love before they hate
They laugh before they cry
This is how it goes with people
How goes it with you?

We love before we hate
We laugh before we cry
This is how it goes with people
How goes it with you?

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