Friday, November 1, 2013

Happy Birthday to Me / Passport Update 6th Week

Thanks to all who have sent birthday wishes and it surprised me how many of you did!  Thank you!

Might as well brazenly take this moment to put in a plug for helping out to get back to the U.S.  The Embassy said my photographs met their specifications so the passport should be arriving fairly soon.  If you can help with the transport via the Donate button, it would be most appreciated.  My sister will fly me back from Schiphol in Amsterdam but I'll still have to pay the tax.  Before that I have to fly from Edinburgh to Amsterdam and that will be somewhere between $30 and $200 depending on how soon to the reservation.  That sounds pretty unusual and it is but I need to fly Delta and I have to go to Amsterdam to do that.

Thanks and even if you can't Donate then thanks anyway.  End of plug and I'll get back to the regular mayhem.  I don't have any twisted political stuff today but I haven't seen Breaking the Set yet either.  I'm sure I can find something for tomorrow.

I haven't been doing the retrospective stuff lately as the dog story has me pretty cranked up and I write more of it every time it pops into my head.  If you have any thoughts on it, please do say something as that just might wind up in the story.

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