Monday, October 2, 2017

The Rockhouse Awareness of the Current News

While acutely aware of the active news, I choose not to report on it since I perceive little benefit to anyone in such a report, particularly when there's not so much difference between incidents such as last night.  When there are problems in the world of much more importance, they're the ones which need the attention.

Simon LeGreedyGreed:  that's heartless and cruel.  I like that.

When the differences are measured by body counts, the scale doesn't lie within any dimension of reason.  In that circumstance, my moves are dictated by the ancient (i.e.16th Century?) philosophy of doing the greatest good for the greatest number.  Reviewing that at any length gets immediately political so I'll skip that as well.

This isn't one of those important stories in O.J. Simpson's release but that was carried on the news like it's top drawer material.  Maybe it's just time to let it go with this guy since many think he's innocent and many think he's not with those positions generally aligning with race.  No matter how much noise there may be, it's not likely anything will change and he was in jail for a different thing this time anyway.  Just maybe it's time to let it go.

As the smokescreen stories rise in their splashy presentations, the ones with major significance just get wafted away.  There's minimal about NK since that coverage amounted to Tillerson saying he is directly engaged with NK for negotiation rather than Twittering and Trump said essentially Tillerson is a fool who is just wasting his time.

The mass suffering in Puerto Rico disappeared from cover as well apparently with the official thinking it will just go away by itself.

There's no sense to it and only the most base kind of logic so there's little to no merit in commenting on any of it and I see it as nothing but insulting to you in continually repeating the same stories only with different casts of characters none of whom are taking any positive steps toward solving the problems rather than talking about them.

The Rockhouse has had enough of that talk and I strongly suspect you have as well.

Sure there are evil things happening in the world but they don't require our unremitting attention no matter how much this or that force may insist on it.

My own thinking has been toward finding some pictures of the early times in Greece to present as with some others recently from different points during the Galactic Peace Tour otherwise known as Mister Toad's Wild Ride.  This doesn't indicate hiding from reality since my awareness of the evils is likely as high as yours but I refuse to equate reality with evil.  I'm aware that evil as a component of reality but one of firmest responsibilities is to reject it taking ownership.

Zen Yogi:  therefore Greece?

That's how we do it on the Galactic Peace Tour, mate.

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