Wednesday, November 9, 2016

When the Absurdity Gets Too Much for the Science-y

This has been an evening which defies all measures of ludicrous and, happily, I slept through most of it to arrive in time for the punchline.

They elected who??

Immediate guffaws.

I've got some science-y items queued because they bring the interest I like to find but this situation politically is so damn funny I can't stop laughing.

You couldn't get more concentrated tastelessness and narcissism than this if you special-ordered it from the Sears Roebuck catalog which was only the biggest catalog ever sent through the mail.

Trump puts his name up in gold in giant letters on the sides of buildings, fer chrissakes.

But, wtf ... what have you got to lose.  Clinton would have got you nuked so anything short of that is a win, right?

Let's try a bit of transactional analysis ...

I'm not fried into a charcoal briquet by nuclear radiation so I must be OK.  I'm OK, You're OK.

Ed:  that's so California!

Isn't it, though.

Ed:  California got its ass kicked tonight!

Not for the ganja, cabron.  It's legal in California to be blowin' the ganja just because you feel like it.  In ten years the rest of the country will catch up.

Newsflash:  now California wants to secede from the Union.  Finally comedians are coming back to life again as Texans roar at California's stunning move.

You cannot possibly buy comedy like this.

They could have run Bernie and they chose not to do it.  I see no reason to reach for my violin.


Anonymous said...

He has two years to make real and effective change. If not the mid year term will swing to the Dem and the Presidency to follow in 2020.
He has almost no time to fix Obamacare and realistic tax reform.
If he wastes any time headhunting Clinton he is just another would be leader.
We have no choice but to hope the election rhetoric was just posturing for the negotiating to following

Unknown said...

There's a whole lot of doom and gloom, raging Democrats, and blamity blame blame but the talk time is over. As you say, he has to make his move and deliver something. Also as you say, that something is not Clinton's head which is worth near zero after that debacle yesterday.

The sayin' part is over and this is the doin' part. My take on it is, "You have the bat, Blondie Boy. Let's see your moves."

So we wait but he doesn't have much time. Usually they get one hundred days grace but he's got to come out faster than that. We shall see.

Anonymous said...

The world is scared. He has,his transition basically together. He has plans that very few were laid out throughly because of all the hating of the election.
If Ryan accepts them and he probably will as the tax plan is close to his.
But whatever hapens needs to start being laid out today,he cant wait til his term starts

Unknown said...

Yes, he was to deliver quickly. Likely there will be a Democratic shitstorm flying about between now and the Inauguration just to make it all stink as much as possible.

My most fervent hope out of all of this is Obama has been told in no uncertain terms to back off. Secondarily, since the people are determined to try to complete the IS-IS slugfest, my next hope is Trump really does work with Putin to resolve it expeditiously and get the hell out of there.

My watch is whether he tries to start anything with Iran. If he does not then I may start believing he wants to do business rather than playing washington warrior bumfuckery.

Anonymous said...

I dont believe he will start anything
The Obamas are looking at Michelle in 4 years

Anonymous said...

And what put Trump over the edge was all the women who did not vote with their vaginas!

Unknown said...

My opposition to her would be precisely the same as with Clinton: no votes for bombers

Unknown said...

Vagina voting wasn't exactly a resounding success, was it

Anonymous said...

Last night I thought Trump lost me a Corvette but now he might be giving me one.
Funny got a rally when they thought H was winning tanked when they didnt know
Now pushing an all time high.

Unknown said...

I do think Bernie could have annihilated him and the Democrats ran the wrong horse. There are five or more Twitter trends just now with people bitching to the Moon about how it's everyone else's fault.

It's done now, you've got a Corvette coming, and let's see his moves. Trump's domestic moves will likely set up a real Democrat for next time so, instead of bitching, the junior chipmunks ought to spend their time finding one. Maybe Bernie will still take the gig ... or maybe he's fed-up with them too (larfs).

Anonymous said...

If he plays the taxes healthcare and the economy right.
Whining is pointless. He is the deal for 4 years so lets hope he delivers if not 4 more years of ripping politicians

Unknown said...

You have seen already I'm more than happy to rip politicians but I'm standing back to see his moves. Obama, Bush, Clinton are known quantities and none of them were any damn good. For the moment, Trump remains an unknown but hopefully he has the wisdom to understand there was no mandate to get him in so much as to keep Clinton out.

Go forth, Senor Trumpie, and let's see your moves. As we covered earlier, the talk time is over.