Sunday, November 13, 2016

Watching Disaster Movies or CNN Because It's Cheaper

Disaster movies can be the best because they require zero thinking and we can enjoy the explosions.  CNN topped them for explosions with the pity party after Clinton and their piteous whining has been putting a sticky goo all over things ever since.

What did we go wrong they cry!

Hot tip on that:  maybe running a grasping amoral horror wasn't the best pick of the Satanic pseudoliberal litter.

The worst is on The Guardian and you couldn't find more insufferably victimized wastrels if you searched all day.  Oh God, how could they do it to us?

Tip:  it was easy but we feel your pain ... really.

Next time you fuck with the Left, understand we will leave you standing in your shit storm and praying for rain if you pull this hoax again.

Meanwhile, there's the ongoing disaster movie with Trump and he has been moving quickly ... but he's been doing dumb things.  Unknown if it's official but it seemed to be regarding Trump killing the recent climate treaty signed by every other country in the world, even China.

There's the first move from the Republican non-science (pronounced 'nonsense') which they got from some yokel in Alabama and have been tossing it out as Nobel Prize material ever since.  Climate change is just a scam by some unidentified members of the left wing to make scads of money.

Maybe we could look to see who owns the companies which make wind turbines and large-scale solar panels and the CEOs are sure to be liberals, right?  Bulllllshite.

I guess those CEOs are screwed now.  Oh well.

The reactions have been funny as Queen Bee was indignant about my failure to take it seriously.  In fact, I do take it seriously and that's why it's funny now.

Doc and, to some unclear extent, Lotho seem to regard Trump as 'pulling America back from the brink' and that has a minor element of truth in anything is better than Obama's incompetence and I believe but have not verified he ended up spending more on the military than George Bush.  Clinton was all set to do that and more so she was fired before she could even start.

However, the fallacy in the logic is that Obama represented the Left as that's total horse puckey and I've been ranting about his betrayals for years.  We disowned that worthless fuck years back.

Doc and Lotho are right about pulling back from the brink if that's in the context of backing off on killing Assad and the provocation of a war with Russia.  If that's true then I agree with them.

If it's in an economic context then it's bloody rubbish since Obama is as Reaganoid as they.  He didn't push the tax rate back up; he didn't do shit except kill people while he tried to pass off Obamacare like it was the Magna Carta.

Tip:  it so fucking wasn't.

Trump is already backing off on doing anything about Obamacare since it really doesn't do that much and he's got no game in dismantlement.  The trillions they said it would cost never happened.

Trump needs to do some substantive about pulling out of NATO and fast since he's piling up demerits faster than he's scoring on anything.

It was comical in a racist way earlier when Trump said he will start deporting two million unregistered immigrants and, almost immediately, Paul Ryan said he wouldn't.

Do you, don't you.  Will you, won't you.
Do the golly polly jingle jangle with me.

It's a disaster movie running 24-hours a day.  And it's free!


Anonymous said...

I havent commented on Trump except to say lets see what he will do.
And I dont see the Left that you speak of. Or the power that they wield to leave the rest standing in thier own shitstorm. If that were possible they would have done it.
They could not get there candidate in the fight.
The left is the same as the Tea Party they talk alot and blame everyone else but accomplish nothing

Unknown said...

It happened a few days ago. Maybe you missed it. They're still standing in it and whining (larfs).

Trump has no intention of accomplishing anything except tearing things down. He's just another Reagan derivative with no difference from the others except the minor advantage he may not start a nuke war. He only got 25% of the vote (50% sat out) so he doesn't have a mandate, he just barely got the job.

Republicans have been blaming The Left for many years for everything including milk which spoils when they go near it but y'all don't even know the Left if you think Obama or Clinton anything to do with it .

Anonymous said...

The only votes that count are the ones that are cast. So if the Left is so unhappy with the outcome maybe they should have participated.
Yes I missed the shitstorm caused by the Left.

Unknown said...

I'm not unhappy about the outcome and the Right wing is being challenged to deliver on promises. We don't believe they can do it and it will be funny to watch the spin.

Of the Left I know, no-one voted for Clinton. The neoliberals own this and, as noted here multiple times, they're not liberals at all.

The shitstorm was in the streets, whining up and down about injustice. Real heartbreaker (larfs).

Anonymous said...

The Left owns it in thier absence. I the Left had nothing to do with the riots. And I dont know I would describe Portland with a few punk kids burning a few cars as a shitstorm.
They might want to talk Watts or Chicago from the 60s
I would agree with Queen Bee that you describe the upcoming failure as amusing is depressing.
But being part of the non voting Left you are in the position to complain about everything done by everyone.
But you cant complain about the outcome as you did not participate.

Unknown said...

I'm not complaining. America brought this on itself and it's all the more amusing that the Left is responsible for it if we show up or we don't. As always America is more than happy to judge me but it never judges itself or it wouldn't be in this mess and hence the comedy.

Anonymous said...

You almost only complain. Your common theme is it is thier (subsitute anyone other the the Left) fault because they dont do want you believe to be right.

Unknown said...

You're the one who votes to kill climate change and tell me what you think is right without a shred of science to back it. You're joking, right? (larfs)

Anonymous said...

I dont vote so I can not be the one to kill climate change.
Funny how I am guilty without a single statement pro or con on climate change.This is just more of you telling me what I believe.

Anonymous said...

You continually tell me that I am a hardcore GOP supporter. I believe I have the right to decide what I believe. So please stop telling me that I believe Trump is pulling us back from the brink of disaster. As I have never made any statement close to that.
I did say after he won that he deseves time to prove his worth. But I would have said the same of Clinton.

Unknown said...

Doc said that two days ago. It seemed you support him as well. I've not typically seen much about what you believe, only what's wrong with what I believe. Mistakes are inevitable on that basis.

Anonymous said...

DOC said that. Not I. I havent said anything supporting those thoughts. I certainly have not said anything supporting Trump other than to say give him a chance. His choice as chief strategist is disturbing.
Mistakes are made when you tell me what I think. I very rarely put my beliefs out there as noone really cares what I believe.

Unknown said...

Well, you'll never know if anyone cares what you think if people don't know the content of it. I don't mean that in any way facetiously.

It's not that I think I'm such a wizard but rather the demon says write and I can. Some get furious about the content but, more importantly, some don't and that creates encouragement which goes both ways and has nothing to do with phony cat videos.

Between the Cabinet and the CIA, his will is going to get seriously tested. Obama went into it high-minded or seemingly so and turned into an unimaginable stooge for the state. If Trump rolls over and his talk with Putin poofs then embracing anarchy won't be an amusement anymore.

Anonymous said...

I dont see CNN-but I like this news--not what you see from the "alphabet soup networks"--I don't have cable.

Unknown said...

Thanks and I added that to my list of news sources. I recommend Russia Today and it's often assailed as being Russian propaganda but I have not seen anything substantial of that nature. For me, it's the most consistently reliable news source around.