Sunday, November 13, 2016

The Song of Charlotte Corday

After she murdered Marat, Charlotte Corday was known as the 'Angel of Assassination' and what better subject when you want to break away from pissant love songs and leave the Age of Banal Chick Music in the dirt.  Suck it, Adele; you're finished.

Jean-Paul Marat was one of the strongest voices for violence in the French Revolution and Corday was first guillotined but later lauded, at least to some extent, for trying to save the Republic.  As we see in France today, it's one of the most racist and hateful nations on the planet, she did not succeed.

In our play, Donald Trump is Corday as, like her, he's from the self-proclaimed nobility and, also like her, he claims to save the Republic.

Marat is still the Revolution but the national protests over the last few days against Trump's election weren't the Revolution.  Those were just the fat fuckers who didn't have the stomach for a peaceful Revolution with Bernie.  After they burned a few police cars, they were done.  Marat will bring back the guillotine.

You will know the Revolution when people start referring to gated communities as targets of opportunity.  That will mean they include the Clintonocracy as one of those targets and we will know this time they're serious.

Marat:  it will be "Les Miserables" all over again only this time it will be in English ... or American, at least.

Trump is starting to provide the ingredients since he said he will implement a thirty percent tax cut on the rich and he doesn't even bother with bullshit excuses as with Reagan since people are well aware trickle down was crap.  He just does it on the principle rich people shouldn't have to pay anything if they don't feel like it even when they can.

Marat:  that will just do wonders to resolve resentment in the country since no-one gives a fuck about rich people when they don't give a fuck about anyone else.

Trump is also licking Netanyahu's ass like he will spit shine it for his mother since he said settlements in the occupied territories shouldn't be an impediment to peace.  He's right they shouldn't ... if you're a fucking Fascist with attack helicopters.

Marat:  how much did you send to Israel out of those tax cuts, Donnie Boy?

Oh yeah, resentment will get so much better.

Before this shit is over there will be a bounty on white people and they're easy to find; they're the ones in the McMansions.

There will be an extra premium on nailing news fops like Bill O'Reilly plus they will likely cap Anderson Cooper as well just for being so annoying.

Ed:  what about Jon Stewart?

Fuck him.  He turned into another Clintonocrite.  Burn him.

Ed:  what about Michael Moore?

He's gone total flipshit.  Lock him up and throw him tofu.

Jewish people are likely getting nervous since they see they will be hated by the Revolution because they're rich and white and they will be hated by the Trumpite Empire because they're Jewish.  In short, they're fucked and may start thinking Israel is one great vacation destination to stay.

"The Ballad of Charlotte Corday"

They didn't want to try the easy way
and instead they insisted on pain
All they showed was their greed
but we will show them we're insane

They will be bleeding on the sidewalks
they will be burning in their homes
so comes the Destiny of Charlotte
and they will suffer it alone

and so on

We will bring back Fantine to sing it and people will weep when they hear her, tears of joy as they remember how the Evil Empire was overturned.

Embrace the Anarchy!  The Chaos is Inevitable!

Ed:  are you trying to incite a revolution?

Nah, I'm just watching one develop ... plus providing some helpful symbols.

A helpful symbol for Hillary Clinton is the Countess de Bathory who bathed in the blood of virgins she had murdered because it kept her skin soft.  Clinton's virgins were the Millennials she sucked into her evil web and she just used them while making empty promises with no substance.

Clinton was the most hellish bitch of a right-wing narcissist we have seen yet but even that stinkspittle spooge out of a grasping nightmare wasn't as evil as the Countess de Bathory.  (WIKI:  Elizabeth Bathory)

Note:  Clinton has nothing to do with the Left and we wouldn't even let our dirtiest, stinkiest dog sit at the same table with her.

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