Saturday, November 12, 2016

VICTORY Against TPP in the Lame Duck - Bernie Sanders

Our Revolution


The Trans-Pacific Partnership is dead for now. And that's because of you.

On Friday, the Obama Administration said: "it's up to congressional leaders as to whether and when this moves forward."

Then the media reported what Speaker of the House Paul Ryan's office said: "the Republican leader is standing by comments he made before the election that there would not be a vote in the lame duck."

For all intents and purposes, the Trans-Pacific Partnership is dead for the foreseeable future. While we must be vigilant if it comes back to life, this is a victory to celebrate.

It's a victory because of the work you did with Bernie Sanders, with the platform of the Democratic Party, and with Our Revolution. You killed the TPP for now. You should be very proud of that.

Our Revolution is ready for the fights to come to protect working people in the next four years. We must be prepared to fully stop the Dakota Access Pipeline, and to make sure the Keystone XL pipeline is not resurrected. We must do everything we can to protect our sisters and brothers who will be targeted by the racist and xenophobic Trump Administration.

That's why we are asking you directly:

During his campaign for president, Bernie Sanders never let up his attacks on the TPP. Our political revolution made it a critical issue for the nomination.

During the Democratic National Convention, more than 2,000 of us marched in Philadelphia to show opposition to the TPP.

In two months, you made more than 50,000 calls into Congress, and our volunteers led teams that connected constituents to important members of Congress. We flipped key votes and made it clear it would not be acceptable to support TPP in the lame duck – or ever.

The movement we built has brought down, at least for now, the Trans-Pacific Partnership. This was because of the work of union members and environmentalists, farmers and immigrants. This was the work of the political revolution.

Our defeat for now of the TPP is a bright spot in a bleak week for our country. Let's celebrate our victory, and get ready for the fights to come.

Thank you for everything you do.

In solidarity,

Larry Cohen

Board Chair
Our Revolution

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