Thursday, November 10, 2016

The Fault Lies with Neoliberalism

Perhaps you're aware of when a definition for liberalism changed but I missed the notification on that and, as far as I know, liberalism still entails the full hippie kit with anti-war, personal freedom, and get the state off my fucking back.

There was nothing new in the hippie thinking and it went back to the greatest philosophers.  At least one hippie (i.e. me) did not know that until later but hippies definitely didn't invent it.

Anything which differs from the liberalism as passed down through the hippies is consequently not liberalism and neoliberalism tries to do that but all we get out of it is more doublespeak, Texas Two Step, whatever you want to call it.

Ed:  would this be the principle of If It Walks Like a Duck and Quacks Like a Duck?

The very same, Watson.

Marginally-relevant sidenote:  Steven King is logged out of Twitter and said he's out.  No  more from him.  Unknown how long he will sulk and Michael Moore has just about flipped his wig into outer space too.  Remarkable phenomena to observe.

One of the current theorems from The Guardian is neoliberalism is responsible for the death of the Democratic Party, the burning of the Clintons, and probably the instability of soybean futures.

Ed:  soybeans are in trouble?

No idea.  It's Guardian Journalism; it doesn't matter if it's true.

It's unclear when Democrats will accept the fact Hillary Clinton was not a progressive and calling her a moderate instead was just more word dancing.  She's a hard-core Republican so deep into Wall Street she's on a first-name basis with that whole impeccably-dressed but frowzy of soul lot of evil baggage.  Obama has been bombing Syria with as much enthusiasm as a kid with a Christmas train set and he hasn't tired of it in eight years while Clinton has been champing at the bit for her turn.

Neoliberal?  My dyin' ass.

Ed:  how eloquent

Check out this one and tell me again about eloquence.

Ithaka:  Triumph the Insult Comic Dog Sends Fake Fox News Girls to Trump Rally • Triumph on Hulu

It's funny but it also makes clear why this neoliberal crap is accepted.  These are people who need an instruction manual to bathe themselves.  Fucking hell!

Ed:  those are Trumpies and not Clintonistas

It's like going to an anti-abortion rally and seeing the people lined up on each side of the street.  They're almost indistinguishable from each other and just scream back and forth.

Ed:  they argue about which ones are the neoliberals

Maybe so, Watson.

Just in case you believe anything in videos, how about some cat love.  She's still funny.  (The original was a stunt)

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