Wednesday, November 16, 2016

The Countess de Bathory Was Right About Young Blood

The Countess Elizabeth Báthory de Ecsed is widely-regarded as the most evil woman who ever lived since she believed the blood of virgins kept her skin soft so it's written she had as many as six hundred and fifty killed in her locale to satisfy that need.  (WIKI:  Elizabeth Báthory)

It turns out she was right since this research showed old mice benefitted from injection with young blood and here's the beauty part ... it was human blood.  (RT:  Injecting old mice with blood of teenage humans reverses ageing – study)

Hey, do I find the most twisted stuff.  It's because I love you.

"It may surprise you to hear this ... but I actually like people." - George Carlin

Note the article is based on science which is not peer-reviewed (i.e. evaluated by other scientists) and the technical expression for that is 'probable bullshit' while the technical expression for research which has never been peer-reviewed is 'definite bullshit' (e.g. the quackfest around anti-vaxx is based on a single discredited doctor).

The science in this may be hogwash but the Countess Elizabeth Báthory de Ecsed is real and she was so horrible that it brings us to revel in the ability of humans to be unutterable bastards.  She doesn't need any feminism since she was up at the top with the Big Dawgs of Human Horror, Count Dracula and Vlad the Impaler.

It's written she even had young naked women soaked with water so they froze to death in her courtyard to become human statues.  I tell you, this kind of evil deserves some recognition.

Ed:  usually it's public office!

You're supposed to be the straight man.  I make the jokes around here, see.

Ed:  but you're not funny.

That has been a problem.

So now it turns out Countess Bathory was right?  The use of human blood in this experiment is so warped it's hard to conceive.  Most people can't even give their blood to each other but it will work in a mouse??  Rh factor doesn't matter in mice??

Note:  I'm O negative and that blood type is known as the Universal Donor since it will be accepted by anyone but it's only true for that type so I guess I could be a godsend to a mouse.

Old mice that received young blood experienced a boom in the growth of brain cells in the hippocampus, a part of the brain that plays a key role in memory.  Meanwhile, receiving old blood had the opposite effect on the brains of young mice.

When researchers at Alkahest examined the effect on the mice’s brains after receiving human blood they also found evidence of new cells being created in the hippocampus.

- RT

I must catch up on comments but this was so twisted it just had to be shared.

Ed:  thanks for bringing this sunshine to my life!

Not a problem and there is a good side to it too since we can't say politicians are absolutely worthless anymore; at least they can be used to keep mice feeling young.  Jason Chaffetz has a future ... in a mouse.

Ed:  why not keep humans young that way?

No-one wants blood from a politician ... unless it's flowing down the street.

Maestro, rim shot, please.

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