Thursday, November 10, 2016

Syncretism, Solipsism, and Surfing in the Slide Zone

Syncretism is merging multiple philosophies or thoughts possibly toward fundamental truths.  The regulars have seen the Ithaka example of it in the context of Creation since the Rockhouse view of things is something sparked the Big Bang and, given that overt act of Creation, all religions follow since none of them have a game without Creation behind them.

Within any religion, the considerations will be largely provincial in the context of this set of rules or that one but the Creation unites all of them at the root and that's the syncretistic aspect since all have this in common.  It's not the Ithaka purpose to unite religions but it is the purpose to find truth.  Whether anyone bans eating fish on Friday is not my concern.

Much of what I try to do with Ithaka and science is toward syncretism and this is for the purpose of synthesis in which we take information from multiple sources specifically to gain fundamental truths. The approach is exactly the same as with religion since the research in one scientific endeavor may have immediate relevance to another even when they are not specifically related.

Solipsism is the thinking it's impossible to prove the existence of anything except myself. That kind of philosophical pondering is great for when you have a nice bag of reefer and there's nothing on TV but there's not much to be gained beyond that. The interest in the current context is the proximity of that thinking to overt narcissism in which nothing matters except myself. That's not at all the same thinking but you can see examples of it all over the place, particularly from the election.

The slide zone is where we find ourselves now and a simplistic notion of syncretism is the unification of the political parties.  Maybe we will hear that for a few dull days until they get back to shredding each other again.  We're in the slide zone and will be surfing it for some while yet because there's such a preponderance of solipsism but there's little emphasis on synthesis.

One example of the failure to synthesize is the thinking Donald Trump got a mandate for anything except preventing a war and the only substantial mandate was to keep the Clintons out.  Few repudiations have been so forthright and so effective since it wasn't only Clinton who was dumped on the sidewalk in the rain as many Democrat contenders for Congress went with her.

Trump has possibly even just a few days to define himself as otherwise he will wind up relegated to the pile of shit ass Reaganoid Presidents from the last thirty or so years.  He's got to stand up and be somebody quickly and he needs to be quite spritely about it given all the ranting and raving just now.  Let's see some leader stuff, Blondie Dawg.  Make your move.

My abstention stands since I could not vote for Trump due to his highly-provincial notions of domestic policy and the likely destructiveness of them.  I also could not vote for Clinton because there was no way I was willing to suffer the Killer Queen after everything else which has come down in my life.  Oh great, let's just make it fucking perfect, shall we.  Let's end it with a nuke war.

While my perception is just as clear as at the beginning that Bernie Sanders would have annihilated Donald Trump, there's no particular resentfulness on the matter largely because I have no time for it.

The Democrats needed to be spanked and they were.  Maybe this is sufficient to motivate them to grow up, stop being so greedy, etc, etc or they will just lose again.  Check that peach of a view as you only think you hate Trump; you will absolutely fucking loathe Paul Ryan.  Sure, go ahead and keep raging about being right but think President Ryan while you're doing it; you're giving him the game.

Ed:  calling BFT on a fear tactic!

Was ist BFT, mein Freund?

Ed:  Bullshit Fear Tactic - pull it together or end up with Paul Ryan

Yep, it was.  And it's true.  Ha!  Ryan has been lusting after this for so long he's like a high school boy in a Porky's movie hoping someday he will finally get some for himself.

Ed:  how can you have such a vocabulary and such base tastes?

Hey, Mozart was said to have quite the vulgar sense of humor.  Wanna hear me play?

Ed:  you're not Mozart.

No but maybe I could hum the melody.

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