Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Some Odd Ideas About What Made American Ganja So Strong

An article in Raw Story laughs at how Mexican drug cartels buy American ganja rather than sending theirs up here because, as we have been writing for many years, American ganja is a whole lot stronger.  However, the article goes on to say legalization is the reason the ganja got stronger.

WTF??  Raw Story:  Thanks to legalization, US weed is better, stronger — and Mexico wants it

The basic part of the article about them buying American ganja is obvious ... American ganja is better.  Unknown where Shirley Temple went to school for that last part since legalization had nothing to do with increasing the strength when that came after the strength was already boosted.

Presumably the author was trying to give a boost to legalization but all anyone really wants to know is whether it costs me more or less if it's legal.  As we have seen, in fact the taxes bring money back so legalization doesn't cost you anything.  What do you know ... after that, legalization starts popping up all over the place.

There are few things people enjoy quite so much as 'sin taxes' because those won't affect me if I don't use alcohol, cigarettes, etc so I can jack that one to the Moon and never feel a bit of pain ... and they did.

Ganja prices are already ridiculous as $300+ for a bag of weed is a bad joke.  Is anyone thinking the cost of production is even a tiny fraction of that (cough).  Add tax on top of that and it's fun for the whole team when the stoners are smiling because we're, well, stoned and everyone else is smiling because they make money on it.

They don't smile too much in Texas because it's still illegal and the good people of the State of Texas don't benefit from marijuana taxes because the state is run by pricks who cannot even handle four-function calculators.

Ed:  thanks for that cogent political analysis, Kojak

Not a problem.

The comical part for this is what is the border guard to do when the good drugs come from America and go South but the bad drugs come from Mexico and go North.   American ganja is good but Mexican ganja is bad.  What could make the idyllic life of a border guard even better.

It seems so easy ... legalize the ganja in Mexico and America and be done with it.

But what happens after that ... Goddamn the Pusher Man in Mexico will start hiding heroin inside shipments of ganja.

We still need ganja to be legal anyway because there's no valid reason to keep it illegal.  The Pusher Man will hide heroin under a nun's habit if he can get away with it and I'm fairly sure that's been done at least once before.

The heroin is a different problem and a real life horror story but the ganja situation gets more ridiculous with every new neo-fanboy story.

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