Thursday, November 17, 2016

Russian Woman Discovers Levitation

Maria Koshurnikov of Moscow declined to say how she does it but she did say she thinks playing lots of violent video games helped.  When asked if she is aware of a 13x increase in violent dreams for people who often play violent video games, she said, of course she was.  She enjoys violence in her dreams too.  (Science Daily:  Consuming violent media linked to 13x surge in violent dreams)

Note:  the most violent video game in the Rockhouse is Mah-Jongg.  I rarely dream at all and Mah-Jongg is probably why.  That's not a change as I don't recall ever having vivid dreams except the rare nightmare.  In the last there were small blue people with big teeth and they were attacking me to kill and eat me so they could take my Bic lighter.  I don't know what happened as then I awoke, terrified, holy fuck, the blue people, the blue people.

During sleep, the neuros say the brain is sorting and 'filing' memories of the day so I must get so confused with my filing that I forget to go to the dream movies.  There doesn't seem to be much science on why some remember dreams and some don't but I'm more curious about how Ms Koshurnikov levitates herself anyway.

She's not falling and we know that because her dress and her hair aren't moving.  If it's Photoshop, someone was extremely good at it to get all the shadows correct.

Ed:  space alien?

Good point.  They do live and work among us after all.


Anonymous said...

There are multiple magic shops that sell levitation kits. The shadow show something on the right side of her. So that would also suggest against photo shop as that would have been removed

Unknown said...

Must be the influence of all the Harry Potter movies!