Wednesday, November 9, 2016

#NotMyPresident ... Oh, Snap

The Clintonistas have got their arms folded, they have petulant grimaces painted on their faces, and they're tapping the ground with their feet to show their impatience.  "Donald Trump is not my President," they scream and, oh God, there's every harmonic of pain in it.

Let's review ... these are the same people who didn't have the stomach for a revolution with Bernie Sanders and they say they now they will rise up against Donald Trump.  Maybe they will send Kim Kardashian as their champion.

I don't like Trump either and more than likely he's going to wreck domestic policy but he may keep the country out of a war and being alive for the 2020 election beats the hell out of getting croaked behind some greedy bimbo's blind ambition.

The Establishment has been categorically repudiated and Democrats had aligned with the Establishment but pretended they didn't.  No-one was fooled and the Democrats went down too.  It was hardly a surprise after, over recent weeks, confidence in Clinton was fading in multiple people who had been variously highly-supportive or were going with the 'at least she's better than Trump' thinking.  I laughed when I heard the result because I thought, 'wow, they really dumped her.  Cool.'

Obama's aggression toward Russia has been hugely concerning in part because it's senselessly provocative insofar as there's no possible positive gain from it and also because he's giving no direction, no leadership, etc.

He says, oh, I'll kill IS-IS and the world will once again be a garden but that isn't leadership, it's just killing some motherfuckers.

Where is your direction, President Leader Man?

Clinton showed no leadership either and was immediately clear she would follow Obama's policies.  That, in combination with her depraved ambition, made her the most dangerous person on the planet. I'm damn glad she did not get the gig and specifically for that reason.

Trump has been generally conciliatory to Putin and that's the only sign of positive diplomacy in years.  The regression to McCarthyism in the Clinton camp was part of the concern about the Russia baiting in general.  They had already reached the point of 'dehumanize the enemy' and the next step after that is to start shooting.

Trump may yet get us killed but there will be talks and hopefully sense will prevail.  As we have seen from the last eight years, there was no chance of sense prevailing otherwise.

I strongly believe Bernie would have trounced Trump and easily but the Democrats chose not to back him and so chose their fate.


Anonymous said...

I love you positive outlook. And your desire to help heal the ugliness. Even I gave Obama support to see if he was,the real deal. He wasnt but I tried

Unknown said...

It is a positive outlook as the first part of being positive is staying alive to do it. Ha!