Thursday, November 10, 2016

No-One Has Friends on Social Media Anymore Because of the Election

After the election everyone on Facebook was supposed to sing "Kumbaya," have a group hug, and then re-friend all the people they called NAZIs during the course of the campaign.

That did not happen and now the social annihilation continues.  (Chicago Tribune:  Block. Mute. Unfriend. Tensions rise on Facebook after election results)


Mystery Lady, it's a weeper, isn't it (sob).

Mostly I had dumped off people on Facebook until I got to the ones who are probably dead, creatures of unknown biological classification, or Facebots (i.e. the software which mimics human interactions by interjecting "OMG" as a comment on your status updates).

Ed:  Facebots aren't real!

Right.  You're believing a billion and a half people in the world signed on to Facebook to see cute pictures of cats, are you?

Mostly the regulars seem cool with things.  Seems like Lotho's thinking is like mine with ok, Trumpie ... make your move.  Let's see your stuff.

I imagine Cadillac Man was surprised but I doubt he's flaming as so many seem to be.  Mystery Lady won't be flaming either and I'm sure she will have something better in mind for talking.

Doc may be cool with it too as Trump wasn't the dream date but at least he's not a filthy Democrat.

Something which has not been cool was the problem of me Buggered Dawg and I do appreciate Cadillac Man's concern about gout but I'm highly sure it's not.  It had backed off quite a bit but came back for a while today and it was bone pain for sure.  I told the doctor it was buggered in Cincinnati but, nooo, it's fine.

Briefly, he was cool when he did all the surgery years ago but he graduated to setting up a sports clinic for McMedicine and I doubt he gave the situation even five minutes when I saw him a few years ago.  So goes evolution.

Gout is much scarier than a buggered foot due to busted bones so there's no tension from this either.  It's just a a drag and weep, weep, weep.

Apparently the online socialites are eating each other but down here everything is copacetic as I don't pick up any tension in the regulars.  Terry Gilliam definitely has full control of the script but I'm curious ... what will it be.

How about if we take some time to bitch about how Bernie would have won if not for Clinton?

I guess that's a NO.


Anonymous said...

I'm reading a book called "Crippled America-How to Make America Great Again" by Trump.

"Far from destroying our democracy, he's exposing all its phoniness and corruption...And changing it in the process."--New York Magazine

"Trump fills the vacuum left by a political faction that has for years promised its voters it would do things it had no intention of doing."--The Federalist

"We finally have someone who genuinely loves America and is not beholden to the donors...He will be beholden to no one except regular Americans."--Ann Coulter, in an interview with Simon Conway

"Trump has the fire in his belly to make America great again and probably do it the right way."--Mike Ditka, in a Chicago Sun-Times inaterview

It's my feeling as well, lets see what he will do!! ML

P.S. Trump posts "My Personal Financial"--the last chapter of this book.

Unknown said...

So long as he completes the deal with Putin and really does work with he and Assad to get it done in Syria and get the hell out then he delivers more than Clinton. I'll wait and see for domestic policy, particularly VA.