Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Lewis Black - Dr Phil (stand up comedy)

If you're supportive of self-aggrandizing, opportunistic swine dogs such as Doctor Phil, this probably is not the video for you.

Part of the attraction in this video comes in the comments and one in particular from Tom Strutt, a therapist in psychology.

As a therapist in practice for 35 years, Dr. Phil strikes me as being to psychology what Gerry Falwell, Pat Robertson and Robert Tilton are to religion: utterly vacuous, shameless, ruthless, money grubbing self promoters with nothing of value whatsoever to offer.

- Tom Strutt

Ed:  wtf?

Hey, lighten up.  The name should have given you a clue, fer chrissakes.

These are the kinds of psychologists who leave us with little surprise at the number of people who use heroin.

Ed:  you stole that from Black's bit!

Of course I did.  Only steal from the best.

Tom Strutt only wants to try to impress us with his expansive analysis of Lewis Black when all he actually accomplished was to provide convincing evidence Strutt is a humorless prick who is highly-defensive and justifiably for the sorry state of his grasping, profit-driven craft.

Ed:  you seriously try to shrink the shrink?

Well, not seriously.  We just do it because they fuckin' hate it when anyone does it to them.

Ed:  oh, good.  Now he will start crying.  Psychologists cry all the fuckin' time.

That's to show us they have empathy but it would be more convincing if they demonstrated it rather than trying so assiduously and failing to prove they have it.

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