Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Eliminating the Electoral College, Changing Daylight Savings Time, and Adopting the Metric System

Pop quiz:  name three things which will never fucking change in America.

Daylight Savings Time won't go away and adoption of the Metric System won't happen because, well, Americans are too fucking stupid but the Electoral College is deliberate.

The purpose of the Electoral College is to give voice to states which are worthless shitholes full of nothing but convicts and monkeys (e.g. Oklahoma) so enough of them in combination can override the vote and that's because Republicans value the voice of convicts and monkeys more than the Will of the People.

Ed:  you're saying Trump was elected by convicts and monkeys?

Look at the result as he bagged every one of the Convicts and Monkeys States, straight up the Midwest.

Ed:  why so harsh on Oklahoma?

Mary Fallin is the OK governor and she lives for killing people for Jesus.  Her only evolutionary significance is equivalent to that of the La Brea tarpit so hopefully she did not reproduce.  Oklahoma is and always has been just a place to go to die and that's why Andrew Jackson forced the Cherokee to go there.  One of the most shameful things in America is in driving through Oklahoma on I-40 and seeing all the markers for Indian reservations on land which would starve a jackrabbit.

There's one other thing which apparently will never change and that's the Equal Rights Amendment which was yet another thing to die on Reagan's watch.  He let Phyllis Schlafly take the fall for it and that silly bitch apparently didn't have anything better to do than ensuring the sisters would never enjoy the same privileges she had known.  She's now one of Satan's virgins but none of the terrorists want her.

To my knowledge, Clinton never said a word about the E.R.A. and it's mentioned in this context because, like the Electoral College, it takes a Constitutional amendment to change it.  I suspect the E.R.A. was never mentioned because Clinton's focus was exclusively on women and a fat lot of good that did her but the E.R.A. conferred equal rights on everyone, even (gasp) dark people.

Ed:  are you calling Clinton a racist?

To her crooked core.

Too scrambled for this.  Silas out for now.


Anonymous said...

you do realize insult politics is what elected Trump? The arrogant left policy of "I'm right if you were only smart enough to see it " will no longer hold water. Perhaps discussion rather than preaching, an open mind rather than insult would be better received. It' everything you accuse the right of yet practice yourself. Andy

Unknown said...

I gave up on trying to teach anyone after a lifetime of trying and Republicans climbing my ass over it so I seriously don't care what anyone in Oklahoma thinks of me as I have as high regard for them as they have for humanity in general (i.e. zero).

Anonymous said...

I dare say that smash mouth politics are just beginning.
With Reid and Pelosi going away. The face of Congress with change.
The biggest upcoming change will ve that polite politicis go away Congress is about to sound like the House of Commons no more "My esteemed colleague from Etc but now it will be you dirty rotten scoundrel

Unknown said...

Reid and Pelosi have been mostly door stops anyway. When Republicans enjoy a majority - we won't but they will - they don't have any need for smash mouth since they've got a greased path. Now it looks like Republicans will barbecue each other so maybe it goes smash mouth after all.

Anonymous said...

Listen to it now it has already started from both sides

Unknown said...

His own people shred each other. This looks to be a carnivorous four years.

Kannafoot said...

Just clarifying the section on the E.R.A. It applied ONLY to women. Here's the full text of the amendment:

Section 1. Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.

Section 2. The Congress shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.

Section 3. This amendment shall take effect two years after the date of ratification.

That is the reason I oppose it as written. An amendment that explicitly confers rights on a single group by definition denies those rights to all other groups. The amendment was flawed from the onset. Replace Section 1. with this if you want my support: "Section 1. Equality of rights for all legal residents under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State."

Unknown said...

Thank you and I'm highly surprised as that misconception has lived with me for quite a while. With that in mind, it becomes worthless to me since I want unequivocal equal rights for everyone so there is no legal question on the matter anymore.

This is a large part of the rejection of Clinton as her focus was too narrow on this as well.