Thursday, November 10, 2016

Ayn Rand Makes Me So Hot

Amazingly enough, Ayn Rand was married and apparently to the same species although it's not clear if it's humanoid.

Ed:  even Satan has a heart!

Well, thanks for tonight's theology, old son!

Take it away Last Week Tonight ...

Something often amusing with Republicans is there are only two books they have ever read:  Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged" or "The Fountainhead" and the first few pages of the Bible.

I haven't read either of them because she's a fish, fer chrissakes.  Also, anything which didn't make it to the library the 'rents collected was rarely worth reading anyway.

It's not likely Ayn Rand would understand this:

It's not likely anyone understands it.

Too bad anyone in the back seat gets crushed whenever the top part goes down but let's follow Ayn Rand's thinking:  I don't know who they are so fuck 'em.

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