Saturday, August 6, 2016

Whether Queen Bee Is Smartest

This one makes my family as nervous as chickens at a barbecue and that alone is kind of funny.


- Queen Bee was the only other who went to university as soon as she had the opportunity to do it.  Tinkerbell completed a degree years later but the others never felt it necessary.  Queen Bee dropped out in the last quarter before graduation but we never talked about why.  She never gave up much of anything, at least not to me, and that was a wise perception since bringing any political thought into the family buzzsaw of political hyperbole would seriously spill her chill ... and waste her time.

- She's definitely liberal but doesn't support Clinton so she clearly knows what it means.  Unknown who she supports and she shows the flexibility we don't see in the others.

- She was a demon on a race track.  Don't tell her about feminism, Dagwood, as she will show you in the next corner.

- She's also easily in the best physical condition and if anyone lives to be the Annie / Granny age, it's likely to be her.  (Note:  Annie is from "Overboard" and I ga-ron-tee my ol' Mother would give you a major eye burn if you ever called her that.  She was SO great with the evil eye!)

- She never got sucked into any corporate hell but stayed close enough to hold a peach of a job at Delta Airlines which gave her the freedom to travel all over the world for relatively little money without intrusion by corporate vampires.  Of all, she almost certainly played the smartest game.

All three males screwed the pooch until it begged for mercy on engagement with corporate.  I probably did that the worst because I was deep in the gizzards of one of the most hellish and destructive entities of the modern world:  Royal Bank of Scotland under ex-Sir Fred Goodwin.  We kind of admire his arrogance as he almost single-handedly took down the UK economy.  I worked for Citizens Bank which RBS owned but they weren't any different, they just used RBS as an excuse.

Doc probably had the most aggressive reading list as he was deeply-immersed in the writings of multiple major philosophers but that resulted in a rigid far-right political position so the benefit of it was questionable when it left him with nothing but Ayn Rand.

Lotho has an intuitive understanding of mathematics and probably the best in the family although Doc may argue.  His political position wound up all over the place while mostly right-wing so there's little evidence it helped his logic much either.

There hasn't been any particular thinking I'm the Big Dawg as I remember way back hearing from my parents one of us has the highest IQ but they wouldn't say which one.  For me, that was novel information but the odds were 1:6 I was a prize winner and no-one but a fool bets on those odds.  Well, maybe they would in Blackjack but it attracts a whole lot of fools.  The other players at the table hate them too.

He's the type who draws a card when he's showing seventeen.  Never do that in an open carry state.

Tinkerbell is not in the 'competition' because her head got whacked in the most evil way by random demons.  She really was a victim too as of all she lived the healthiest regimen for food, exercise, etc.  What happened to her was just not fucking fair.  That she lost so little think power from it shows strongly how much was there already and the actual damage was to memory circuits or some such.

There's no telling if it was Barbie as she seriously destroyed herself but that doesn't typically indicate low intelligence so much as the opposite.  No way of knowing.

The most novel thinking probably came from Doc as he said he wanted to cure death.  He had probably read "Cities in Flight" but even James Blish with all those anti-agathics didn't cure death.  He sure did forestall it by one incredibly long time, tho, and Mayor Amalfi lasted about a thousand years but he still died (sort of).  Modern researchers have only recently begun aggressive review of anti-agathics so his thinking was decades ahead of its time.

Unknown why I apparently ended up with the most reverence for science but the reason is simple since it always shows me something new whereas the news never does.  Also unknown why Queen Bee does not seem to show that interest when she was so immersed in Sociology along with graduate courses in Psychology.


Anonymous said...

Do you really think anyone other family member thinks about this

Unknown said...

I know they do (larfs)

Anonymous said...

Maybe they other four do
But you also list QB as,the healthiest. I would refute that.
You also list QB as a demon on tbe race track. She would not stand a chance going into a corner against Doc
I am sure of that as she would not stand a chance against me.And Doc has backed me down from tome to time. Docmay not be the cleanest driver but he WILL NOT back down
So I would question your credibilty on these issues.
If you judge who is smartest by who has the most toys I believe Doc would win again.
So he may not be the smartest by your standards he sure knows how to play the game
And I habe seen very few of his toys but they are faster than mine

Unknown said...

There's no doubt in my mind about health and she takes it more seriously than I've ever seen anyone else in the family except Tinkerbell but that probably kept her alive. I'll stand by that one and she doesn't look now at all like she did in school.

Being a demon doesn't mean the fastest as it would piss him right off when we turned the same lap times but I never drove like he did and wouldn't want to do it. Alex said I needed the 'killer instinct' but he was kind of an idiot about stuff like that. If Doc drove in NASCAR, they would throw his ass out and likely you know it.

I did not regard this as a sib competition for who's the fastest but rather a summary of high points. I've said previously I thought you were probably the smoothest / fastest but there's no point in it since that only invites a contest and it wasn't the point.

It should be obvious I don't think much of accumulation of toys as indication of anything and after a while you will have to paint them. I'm glad he enjoys it but I really don't see much sense in it. Eventually the toys will stop working or you will but the experience of traveling all over the world never dies. Her style of traveling isn't the way I have liked to do it but she covered a whole lot of ground and she has seen most of the world.

Doc has been exceptional at building hotrods and it was his purpose to make them faster than anything outside a drag strip.

My perspective as the eldest is likely different as I never felt I was competing except distantly with Alex but I always felt like the sibs were competing with me. For me, competition still doesn't matter much as the only thing which does is survival. That's all that ever mattered all that much to me.

I like watching racing but only for the elegance of it as with Alonso who pulled off the bravest and most beautiful pass I ever saw in the chicane at Monaco and it had nothing to do with shutting someone else down. Instead he positioned for the right moment and then he seized it. That kind of driving I admire and if it's he or Keselowski, there wouldn't even be a reason to consider it.

As to blazing competition between the sibs, I rest my case (larfs). I'll willingly hand over the title and still there's a ruckus. It's almost too much comedy at once! (larfs)

Anonymous said...

Your summary of high points is just wrong.
She was an pretty good driver in a small pond of OVKA. Andy is just like the the kid Verstappen
I will refute your claim she is in the best health of anyone in the family. My resting BP is 125/80. I have no trst level is the questionable range. And I run 3 miles a day.
Math unless things have changed I helped Christina through Calc 3 classes in UT
You are undoubtedly the one with the most general knowledge and combine that with a keen sense of flow chart logic means you never lose a debate wven if you are wrong.
The accumulation of toys is only important as to the quality of life it represents. As is very little stress of how to suport thise around you.
You left out probably a very important category of lineage. How well do the offspring do in life.
I know very little of most of those eople but I would dare say Doc did pretty well in that category.
My point is that this discussion is pointless as there are far too many categories to consider and each has thier strengths.
And to my original statement I think you are the only one that cares by your point that you willingly had over your title.
I would say Doc by a landslide as he walked out of the house at what 17 and built his domain from there. Everyone else suckled on the tit like it was a welfare mother forever.
But we all have our opinions.

Unknown said...

Unknown why this is a big deal. Who did best in life will always be middle class mainstream when there is no basis of comparison to others, it's just flatly impossible. As to whose kids did the best, I've always stayed out of that since I recall how unbelievably competitive that got in times past. I was always good at keeping some distance from it while the sibs slugged it out. If I'm to judge them now it would be based on political awareness and a few got that way while most didn't. Who the few were is subjective and doesn't make any difference as mostly they only use their own navigation charts now.