Sunday, August 7, 2016

Twitticisms 8/7 - 1

08-07-2016 11:02:14 - If anyone thinks America's foreign policy is a success, just what the hell constitutes failure
08-07-2016 11:01:12 - ISIS claims capture of advanced US weapons in Afghanistan | America supplies Afghan rebels since Mujahaddin
08-07-2016 10:59:06 - German police underequipped & underfunded ‘for 11 years’ – vice chancellor | He wants a Wehrmacht like in America
08-07-2016 10:57:59 - 2,000 women celebrate World Breastfeeding Week in Bogota | A nightmare to sexually-terrified Americans
08-07-2016 10:55:28 - Breastfeeding mother accused of ‘squirting’ milk at disgruntled woman | Arrogant bitch deserved it (larfs)
08-07-2016 09:23:12 - Can Green candidate woo Sanders fans not settling for Clinton? | There was no question. We're already there.
08-07-2016 09:18:42 - Jeremy Clarkson hailed as hero after rescuing four lads on their lilos off the coast of Majorca | Even if you don't like him, he has style
08-07-2016 09:14:53 - A WP journo in Rio whines of plight at a Brazilian mall | So shocked to find Brazilian women aren't pork barrels
08-07-2016 08:58:01 - Vet-hating Republicans have no business speaking of #PurpleHeartDay when those banker motherfuckers try to kill the VA which helps them.
08-07-2016 08:55:35 - Report on "The Do Over" continues evolving in
08-07-2016 08:42:23 - @rosevine3 @Libertea2012 It was until that idiotic Pentagon pawn, Obama, started it again.
08-07-2016 08:30:23 - The question comes of what to do with the Scary Lucy statue now but scarecrow seems a possibility. That thing was awful.
08-07-2016 08:28:43 - 2 men killed in skydiving jump; parachute may have failed | Tandem prevents a reserve chute | Genius |
08-07-2016 08:28:09 - Ithaka Blog: NASA Makes More Purple Than a Prince Concert: Ga-ron-teed to give you all the purple you could p...
08-07-2016 07:54:52 - And #SundayMorning is always a good time to plan bombing mosques and synagogues
08-07-2016 07:53:29 - @LogicalCampaign how many just like him in American uniforms walk around his country killing his friends, Mr Wizard
08-07-2016 07:35:10 - Of course #IWouldRatherBeDeadThan be at a One Direction concert or endure a Hillary Clinton speech
08-07-2016 07:32:06 - How Did We Get here is a question when you already rolled over for the state and forget all Presidents have been shit for over thirty years.
08-07-2016 05:39:50 - Drunk partiers thought taking the chimney was a good idea | Even if nothing else, drunkies can be funny to watch
08-07-2016 05:33:14 - Ithaka Blog: "Everybody Knows" - Silas Scarborough cover (video): Everybody knows the Captain lied - Leonard ...

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