Sunday, August 7, 2016

NASA Makes More Purple Than a Prince Concert

Ga-ron-teed to give you all the purple you could possibly need today as this is an HDR video of a NASA booster engine test.   (RT: ‘Game changing’ NASA camera films spectacular rocket test up close (VIDEO))

'Game changing' is one those phrases journos use which guarantee they will never change a game in anything.  I need cliches and mediocrity, I need them.

NASA does not play mediocrity:

Once it starts, that's about as cool as it gets since it doesn't change and that's excellent regarding the booster engine stability and consistency but isn't exactly high drama.  The video never gets to the engine's shutdown and I'm not clear on the design requirements.  MECO is the term Houston often used for Main Engine Cut Off and it seems like a long time in a launch but really isn't.  Maybe three minutes is even sufficient.

Besides, where's the anti-grav machine.  They're really good at these booster engines now but it's still sixties technology and we want anti-grav, we have wanted it all our lives.

(Ed:  why didn't you do it?)

Because I would have been shit as a physicist.  Any more questions??

You can see what physics does to you anyway as Hawking got the point of barking when he started going on about the existence of God.  Trying to define the non-physical on a physical basis is patently absurd but it doesn't stop Stevie Boy from trying.  Before much longer he will be hanging out with deGrasse Tyson and Sagan's ghost to hustle t-shirts.

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