Saturday, August 6, 2016

Trying to Save Yevette from the Election with "The Do Over"

"The Do Over" stars Adam Sandler but Mystery Lady swears even so it's still funny.  However, I went out to see "There's Something About Mary" with the Mystery Lady and she thought it was funny but after that I resolved never to watch Ben Stiller doing anything ever again.  (I didn't)

Rock bottom was when Stiller got his peckerwood stuck in his zipper of his fly.  Some thought it was funny but all I saw was some worthless guy who was absolutely bereft of any real comedic material.  His parents were hugely talented comedians and they must weep when they see what he does.  It did have one redeeming moment when some guy kicked an immensely annoying dog or cat out a window, tho.

So there's a bit of spread in comedic tastes here.  However, that fact notwithstanding, it looks like I will have to take my chances with it to have any chance of selling it to Yevette.  The news has its claws deep into her and she knows there's nothing real in it but it's like smoking and each cigarette hurts but they leave you thinking one more would make it better.

As to the news getting better:  Megyn Kelly.

The news is never getting any better when such vacuous buffoons present it but it always gives the illusion one more speech will make it all clear.  Of course it doesn't and that leads to listening to yet another one.

Yevette, we're trying to save you!  It's a selfish horrible country which really hates poor people but there's no news in that either and we have known it for years.  The next speech won't bring anything except more of it.  Obama hates poor people too and he's militarized his cops against us plus offered a public health option but didn't deliver it and he couldn't even get off his lazy ass to do anything about the minimum wage.

If there's anything ever in American history which needs "The Do Over," this is definitely that time but we want comedy rather than vicious irony.

Mystery Lady, Yevette and I did talk about it but there was a bit of yak and I said, "Obama is the worst thing for medical care since Bubonic Plague," and, yep that set it off again (larfs).

We talk and sometimes she says, well, I might use that line.  Many times those are toilet inspirations because I'll think of some killin' brutal line in there, largely because there's not much else to do.  I'll mention that on the way back to the corral when I pass Yevette so sometimes I do instigate this stuff.

"The Do Over" is the major campaign, tho.  The killin' brutal political cracks are amusing but I know they don't accomplish anything.  Movies make funnies and that's always worthwhile.

Quick jump to the end of "Overboard" when Kurt Russell says, "When you have everything, what could I possibly give you that you don't have already?"

Goldie Hawn looks at the four boys and pauses for a moment before saying, "A little girl."

Fade to cheesy music and feel the love, my chill'uns.

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