Saturday, August 6, 2016

The Birth of the Green Party

Although this is, by far, the worst election season we have seen in sixty-five years, there's hope in the emergence of the Green Party.  Unknown how much of that is based on Jill Stein's personality and it has immeasurably more depth than any other politician.  Personality won't last until the next electoral season, assuming, fancifully, anything does.

The substance could be true as no real Democrat will ever go near the Democratic Party again and, as far as we're concerned, the GOP can keep it.

The GOP has made such a fool of itself this season and that party probably has no future.  It sucks that they took over the Democratic Party but that's usually how the GOP gets anything:  kill everything there and take it for themselves.

Jill Stein as at the Green Party convention in Houston right now and it's nothing like that glitzy and cosmetic horror of the DNC.  This could be the real breakout as the Democratic Party has nothing to offer liberals and the moribund GOP has nothing to offer anyone.

We do note, however, none of the GOP Presidents since WWII have achieved a rating of Absolute Plague Against Humanity but four Democrats did:  Truman, Johnson, Clinton, Obama ...  and pending Plague in surrogate Clinton.  Reagan didn't even make the list for destroying the economy and he doesn't score higher than Senile Old Fool.

Started the first cold war
Set up the 1953 coup in Iran which destabilized the Middle East from thence forward
Also destabilized Korea for the next sixty-five years thus starting the Domino Theory

Started the Vietnam War with the false justification from the Gulf of Tonkin hoax

Destroyed banking regulation
Launched first attack on bin Laden and probably precipitated 9/11

Restarted the new cold war
Caused most continuous death in more countries than LBJ or Bush

Clinton (the sorry surrogate)
Doesn't have the imagination to change anything

The most comical aspect may be if the Demotubbies decide they've got Trump nailed and think they need not show up thus handing the election to Jill Stein.  That situation would yield more immediate comedy than the aggregate of every liberal comedian for at least the last six months.

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