Saturday, August 6, 2016

Neanderthals Died Out Due to Inadequate Clothing

The premise is simplistic and unusual but possibly credible in claiming Neanderthals' undoing: Their lack of jackets

Keep in mind this is Fox News science and there's no evidence of publication in a peer-reviewed journal. Therefore it's probably crap but the concept is novel.

The theory is based on the archaeological evidence which shows plenty of the bones at Cro-Magnon sites from animals which could provide fur for jackets but there are none to be found in Neanderthal sites.  Fox News differentiates humans of Cro-Magnon from animals (?) in Neanderthal but it's Fox News ... of course they do that.  They probably hate them already too.

That the cause of their extinction could be so simple is interesting but that also makes it likely it's not enough to explain the phenomenon.  It seems they would have migrated South when they saw themselves dying from it or likely long before.  There's no discussion in the article about why that didn't happen so take what you like from it but we see pop science.

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