Friday, August 5, 2016

The Election is Probably Drugged

More women than men receive emergency treatment for opioid addiction and abuse. Females receive more prescriptions for prescription painkillers like Vicodin, Percocet, and OxyContin, possibly because they are more likely to experience physical conditions causing chronic pain, such as endometriosis and rheumatoid arthritis.

The Recovery Village: A Study of Drug Addiction Between the Genders

Apparently the premise is men don't have chronic pain but let it go.

Here's another of the Mother's Little Helper references in The Wayside House: WOMEN & XANAX ADDICTION

It looks progressively more credible that the election is drugged and not just by stoners but by hard-core opiate addicts.  Tell me you don't know some femme who gobbles Vicodin and / or XANAX like they're M&Ms.  Vicodin won't do much except make you sick but XANAX will knock your lights out.

(Ed:  XANAX isn't an opiate)

It might as well be as it's demolishing and highly-addictive.

We really don't care who's to blame and irresponsible doctors own a huge piece of it but taking the stuff is a voluntary act and rationalizing the need for it is the destroyer.  'I have a little back pain' is the favorite of many but that's usually for Vicodin.

The irony is the neofemmes insist males and females are equal but that's not the story in the psychology write-ups above in which it describes how women have more pain, more depression, etc. etc.  That being the case, there's no way one is qualified to be President.  So which group is bringing truth, the neofemmes or the psychologists.  We will go with the psychologists because usually neofemmes only know about themselves and the psychologist's sample size is much larger than that.

We do believe in feminism here at the Rockhouse but we don't see anything which even resembles it in the modern world.

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