Friday, August 5, 2016

"2000 Light Years From Home" - Rolling Stones (video)

The video author uses estimable resources but creates a fascinating video accompaniment to the music.

The song is kind of a hoax since when it's your determination to feel lonely, you will feel it two thousand light years away or sitting on some li'l chipmunk's porch.  In fact, it's less lonely a million miles away because you know there's almost no chance of getting back there anyway.


Sun turnin' 'round with graceful motion
We're setting off with soft explosion
Bound for a star with fiery oceans
It's so very lonely, you're a hundred light years from home

Freezing red deserts turn to dark
Energy here in every part
It's so very lonely, you're six hundred light years from home

It's so very lonely, you're a thousand light years from home
It's so very lonely, you're a thousand light years from home

Bell flight fourteen you now can land
Seen you on Aldebaran, safe on the green desert sand
It's so very lonely, you're two thousand light years from home
It's so very lonely, you're two thousand light years from home

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