Friday, August 5, 2016

Twitticisms 8/5 - 2

08-05-2016 20:13:46 - @cherryames1949 @j812h twenty vets commit suicide every day. Get over yourself.
08-05-2016 20:05:21 - And #AfterTrumpImplodes there will be nothing left of American democracy other than the smoking rubble
08-05-2016 20:05:01 - Ithaka Blog: What's Hot on the Blog ... and What's Not: The What's Hot posting going up each day was so spoon...
08-05-2016 20:04:03 - The #StuffIBlameOnMyParents gives me plenty of material for whining for the rest of my boring life.
08-05-2016 20:00:36 - @Jeblary2016 @YevetteN America
08-05-2016 20:00:05 - RT @DrJillStein: The #GreenConvention has been like a family reunion. Much different than the coronation that was the DNC. #GNCinHOU 
08-05-2016 19:12:16 - Most volcanic activity on Mercury stopped about 3.5 billion years ago
08-05-2016 16:21:35 - Sanders supporters mull ditching Hillary for Jill Stein as Green Party gathers in Texas
08-05-2016 15:23:57 - Hillary Clinton announced the Budweiser frogs will be singing for her Inauguration because no reputable band will play for her.
08-05-2016 15:08:07 - CCTV catches Russian ‘Peeping Tom’ snapping upskirt pics | Hard to believe people do this but video proof
08-05-2016 14:48:25 - Las Vegas bookmakers are offering great odds on the first new country Clinton will bomb. The favorite is Turkey at 5:2.
08-05-2016 14:44:06 - Clinton set to seize national security issue | NeoDems already had it: NDAA, Patriot Act, etc. They're GOP.
08-05-2016 14:36:36 - @HillaryClinton @geminigod you're not qualified for any job, lady. Thanks to you and Obama for the nuke war.
08-05-2016 14:35:06 - RT @geminigod: Police should not be JUDGE-JURY- and -EXECUTION in point⬇️ #PaulONeal

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