Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Snowy Owl and Spotted Owl

The Snowy Owl doesn't seem to range further South than Kentucky or Tennessee and that's regrettable when it's such a magnificent bird.  Unlike many birds, owls will not eat carrion and they will only eat something after they have killed it themselves.  Fortunately for them, Snowy Owls are quite good at it and woe be unto any rats or other four-leggers of that scurrilous nature.

The Spotted Owl is the one Republicans want to eat and is greatly-endangered due to its dependence on old-growth forest which, coincidentally, is the same old-growth forest conservatives want to savage so the Chinese can make coffee tables out of it.

There was discussion today from sciencers who, unlike conservatives, do actually use their minds for something and there was a long-term study of deliberate fires for management of large-scale fires, ideally reducing or preventing them.  (University of Wisconsin-Madison:  Giant forest fires exterminate spotted owls, long-term study finds)

Note:  read through for the final conclusion or you may draw the wrong one.  Similar content was in Science Daily today as well so it's definitely not social network science.

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