Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Ghostbusters Sequel is Surprisingly Good

Sequels usually suck so it was a surprise right off the top when the female Ghostbusters didn't immediately stink up the set.  In fact they killed it since the dialog was sharper, had more wit, and was more twisted but not in such ridiculous ways as the original.  I'm not impressed because women are doing it but rather that anyone does and makes something cool out of it.

Marvel has left us completely sick of endless movie franchises, always repeating the same damn thing, but this one really didn't.  The show was fresh even though that seemed completely impossible going into it.  They kept the general original theme but that was about it.

The reason for mentioning is I couldn't find anyone saying anything particularly good about it so the immediate conclusion from that comes out It's Not Funny.  That was surprisingly not true and without so much of the geeky silliness from the first one.  This is chick combat with the demons and it does come out cool.

This was in parallel with Skyline Chili and I couldn't do it justice but did get enough of that premium goodness into me to recall one of the best things about Cincinnati, Ohio.  Thank you, Mystery Lady, and I hope you know that comes from Yevette as well since she's the total convert from Texas chili to the real thing.

The taste of Texas is Wolf Brand Chili and that horrible concoction is a large part of why George Bush was so stupid and his paintings sucked so hard.  The only thing you can do with it is drown it in hot sauce because otherwise it's so flat you will suspect one of the animals left it on your plate.

(Ed:  road kill?)

That would be better than the animal's gift since the road kill is not pre-digested.

The other taste of gastronomic Nirvana is Amol India's chicken curry and I've never tasted any like it but I sure have looked for it.  I even went to Nirvana, arguably one of the best Indian restaurants in the country and it's in the City overlooking Central Park.  Nirvana has unquestionable gourmet delights but that curry chicken was (sob) not one of them.  Yah, so I'm a brutal, irresponsible and impoverished lout; I still have some good tastes and the odd way of life has sometimes even led me to realize some of them.

Regrettably, Amol India doesn't market any of their food frozen for markets so the only way to taste it is to go on down to Ludlow Avenue in Clifton, all within Cincinnati, Ohio.

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