Monday, August 8, 2016

Not Much Science and Almost Nothing in News but Do You Have a Minute to ...

Delta is flying again but it will likely be some while before Queen Bee's life gets any easier as she deals with Delta customers who are not likely to be in the best possible mood.  Until all customers are back to their schedules, she will likely have an exceptionally busy day working with some exceptionally fractious people.

There are deep sympathies with the Delta systems programmers at their Operations Center.  This is the same job I did but in a different form in another quite large corporation.  When the system fails in such a way, all sysfrogs will be on-deck until the problem is solved, whatever it takes.  We do give them a hat tip for owning the problem and not blaming it on terrorists, Putin, or the Man in the Moon.

Unknown if Delta has solved the problem of Interfering Middle Managers.  These worthless parasites constantly say 'help me understand' and they make problem resolution take vastly longer.  The obvious question is 'if you don't understand then why the fuck do you have this job' but no-one asks that because those prima donnas would fire you for it.  Sysfrogs loathe them like Jehovah's Witnesses.

Do you have a few minutes to talk about our Lord?

No, I fucking don't, you arrogant baggage.  Piss off.

One aspect of the failure doesn't balance all that well as it's extremely difficult to take down a major system with a power failure.  All of them have large-scale diesel generators for backup and they switch from city power to backup power so quickly there is no interruption to processing and the systems don't go down.  That did not happen so it looks like there was a major pooch screw.  That probably means a Delta IT manager will be working for Uber tomorrow.

Science Daily offered this one earlier with Insight into why the universe is dominated by matter and why we exist.

The article isn't as metaphysical as it seems and it's not Hawking rambling on about the existence of God.  The question isn't so much why we exist but rather why anything does.  This is nowhere near a final study but there are fair points in it.  Primary to Physics is the idea the amount of antimatter and matter in the Universe should be the same but it isn't so what's the explanation for that.  The discrepancy is specifically the subject of the research.  They don't talk about our Lord but they do address why anything exists at all and that's vastly more interesting.

It's the oldest beech tree in Germany, genus Fagus, but I had no luck finding an estimate of its age.  The tree is in Mecklenberg, Germany, and I love the life in in this tree.  It looks like it even has a hidey hole for an owl.  The tree looks ancient and good luck to you if you try to find its actual age.

It was a bit weird talking with Cat as she was talking about the Ahorn tree which is short for Ahornbaum auf Deutsch.  The click for me is, oh, she must mean an oak tree and I have an acorn from one here on the desk.  In some ways, German and English resemble each other but on this they seriously don't.  The Ahornbaum is a maple tree.

The word for oak is Eiche so that's really not so different but Ahorn, from an English view, makes no sense at all.  We talked about this a little bit before we sorted it out.


Anonymous said...

I wish there was a person standing next to that tree just to get the true picture of how big it is. Pretty cool looking.

Unknown said...

A beech can get quite large but it seems just about everything shrinks when it gets old (larfs). It's really hard to tell even with the others around her. I don't know why a her but she seems a grand old lady.

Anonymous said...

I saw it as being both male and female--a melding of sorts

Unknown said...

Sure and I wouldn't know how to tell a male from a female anyway. She or he or both probably affects everyone like that.