Monday, August 8, 2016

Twitticisms 8/8 - 2

08-08-2016 20:31:45 - Tim Kaine stands up to the Harridan and the illegal war with ISIS. She will probably kill him if her wobbly ass lasts long enough.
08-08-2016 20:30:30 - Bully pulpit: Clergy illegally preach for, against Clinton & Trump | They aren't preachers but cheap ass pols | Not only black preachers doing this
08-08-2016 20:29:14 - Clinton’s VP questions legality of waging war on Islamic State in Libya | With Clinton's health, possible President
08-08-2016 20:26:59 - Contamination from marine mammals may hamper recovery of California condors | Another form of pesticide delivery
08-08-2016 20:23:40 - Archaeology team makes world-first tool discovery | Proto-humans 250K years ago
08-08-2016 20:21:58 - Researchers propose new treatment to prevent kidney stones | Fruit extract can dissolve them
08-08-2016 20:20:12 - How the Vikings started the worldwide distribution of gaited horses | 'Borrowed' them from England
08-08-2016 15:18:57 - The Anti-Nausea Ginger Gum @YevetteN has been acclaiming really does seem to help and it's spicy too. Good-tasting stuff.
08-08-2016 15:16:20 - Welcome to the Soviet Gulag. #MyParadiseIn5Words is 'where these fascists don't exist.'
08-08-2016 14:51:25 - True or false: My Money is among the worst of the Internet's shitty slideshow whores
08-08-2016 14:48:36 - @LifeStory_ofMy Divorce him
08-08-2016 14:48:16 - That looks like an image of Jesus in the vagina
08-08-2016 14:30:29 - RT @ZenRand: A Random Act Of Kindness. #MyParadiseIn5Words
08-08-2016 14:25:41 - Ithaka Blog: Not Much Science and Almost Nothing in News but Do You Have a Minute to ...: Delta is flying aga...
08-08-2016 14:25:18 - @TEN_GOP @Shelia_Kay Tennessee remains the birthplace of the KKK and it hasn't changed much
08-08-2016 13:29:17 - As senator, Clinton promised 200,000 jobs in Upstate New York. Her efforts fell flat.
08-08-2016 11:25:16 - Ithaka Blog: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Journalism: Maybe you anticipate he slashes journos but his ...
08-08-2016 10:32:38 - Roger Ailes spent millions on ‘Black Room’ op to smear journalists | Unknown why he wants sex when he has no dick
08-08-2016 10:30:58 - NASA: Aurora and Manicouagan Crater | Gorgeous

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