Sunday, August 7, 2016

"Everybody Knows" - Silas Scarborough cover (video)

Everybody knows the Captain lied - Leonard Cohen

Even in 1988 when he wrote it, he was so dead accurate to what's happening now.  Cohen is a much-loved genius.  (WIKI:  Everybody Knows (Leonard Cohen song))

- Recorded sometime in 2009 at the Snakepit in Cincinnati

Everybody knows the Plague is coming
Everybody knows it's moving fast

- Leonard Cohen

He says better in the song anything I could ever write about political matters as both are the same thing.

In case you doubt it, check this:

Looks like aftermath of a fire rather than lava but what difference does it make.  Location unknown but that really doesn't matter much either except to whomever lived there when these happen quite a lot all over the place.

It's only inevitable so long as the patriots are so easily-gulled by this abomination of an election.  It's their choice to make.

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