Friday, August 5, 2016

Good Talking with Cat

There's no good way to get information to Cat unless we can talk on Skype.  I mute the audio for coughing and we don't use video so she hasn't known so much about the current circumstance.

(Ed:  how does the perv stuff work when there's no video?)

It doesn't.  Any other questions, Dagwood? (larfs).

Talking with Cat is almost always interesting because she often has diverse knowledge and from another continent so inevitably good things come from that discussion.  It was the waiting on Facebook which was a waste but that problem may now be solved.  The silent soliloquy is jealously-guarded and the toleration for spurious interference is extremely low.

It's good she knows the situation even when it's a bad one and I do see the dishonesty in failing to tell her but the motives are good ... and it's still a lie and it sucks (larfs).

There's no way that can be conveyed to her on Facebook since mentioning any detail will only result in people 'sending prayers' but you can't even use those to wrap fish.

So that's 'clearing the decks' and all those things.  There's always good feeling in that.

The actual situation is not much improved but it's not as bad as it was.  Maybe that means the end of it comes but there's no real way to know so the only other choice is to roll with it.

Cat asked if I had quit smoking and that's not ok to hide but it also doesn't make any difference.  You can't smoke for fifty years and suddenly quit to gain any realistic expectation of improvement.  Long before that time, the residual capacity of your lungs is destroyed but you won't know it unless you push yourself beyond what the surface capacity of your lungs provides.  Since smokers are usually as sedentary as cabbages, pushing the lungs in any way is highly-unlikely.

I'm not overlooking the possibility of a huge allergic reaction to tobacco or ganja or both.  The only way that can be verified is by quitting and the probability of that is as low as an honest election.  An allergic reaction doesn't explain why the situation goes in cycles and it's been at least four or five times now in which this has come out of nowhere, grounded me, and after some while has left.  If it were an allergic reaction, it seems that would be constant but unknown.

That leads into finding things which don't suck and Cat is obviously one but there's also the Blog: Things in Fort Worth Which Don't Suck from earlier today.

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