Friday, August 5, 2016

Fifteen Bucks Worth of Surprise Goodness

When buying something from Amazon, I always choose the cheapest available method of shipping so I don't expect it to show up any time soon.  What do you know, that was on the doorstep just now.

"Brave New World" was only seven bucks and I had thought it was used but this copy is either new or mint condition for used.  That may explain recent interest in soma as Huxley invented the concept.  The book was required reading in high school and it's mystifying why so many got so little from it.  I believe but I'm not sure "1984" was required as well and the same applies.  The people who read the book nevertheless went on to create the same environment.  Mystifying.

Unknown if I will read it again, as with various others, but there's an odd comfort in them being here.

There's no interest in reading "1984" again as it was a brutal book of hopelessness under the heel of a totalitarian state.  They find love within it but so what.

The other surprise was a pack of eight multi-colored mike screens and that will return the rasta sock to normal service as, well, a sock.  These aren't actual pop screens one would use for a studio mike but there are still pops a stage mike will pick up, particularly from B, P, T, and others.  Those pops will actually destroy a studio mike but stage mikes are tougher even tho still vulnerable to the noise of it.

Unknown what that means for recording anything but forecasts don't matter.  It's either now or it's nothin'.

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