Thursday, August 4, 2016

Another Way Euros Are Cooler

Yanks are too up-tight for this and even the Gay Pride parades are highly-subdued relative to what they were once before.  As you see, the French just don't care.

We have no idea if this guy is gay but what difference would it make when he's probably as attractive to a gay man as a raging case of leprosy.  Oh sure, another damaged psyche.  Fabulous.

He was part of le Tour de France and, judging by the kit, someone put some Euros down to get him there.  It was tough to tell what he was really doing but he was definitely getting big laffs doing it.

I love the willingness to be unusual as Yanks are mostly too stiff for it.  Even though you can't see much of anything when you're there for the end of one of the stages, it's tremendously exciting and, what the hell, you can watch the detail on television anytime.

That was also the first time I heard anyone speaking English as a native language in almost a year and that was kind of a shock for how unusual it sounded when they weren't even trying.


Anonymous said...

Have you ever been to a Gay Pride parade as stuff like that abounds in them

Unknown said...

I have but a long time ago.