Thursday, August 4, 2016

Some French People Finding Comedy

What do you know, they're not models but rather real people and they run a quick stop fueling station in France.  In such places in US, the only food you can get from them is usually something they scraped off the road but these ones had some really good stuff and they were so cool with someone who is utterly incompetent with French.

Note:  the important thing is to try.  If you're not even willing to do that, your best move is to stay home because you will never really discover anything.  You see how she lights up as it's much better to be a dumb ass with the language because, even if nothing else, it will be funny.

These guys are French as well and they thought it was hilarious to hear my efforts to try to order a sandwich based on the stuff I want in it.

After listening for a while, they started helping and I did wind up with that sandwich plus a way cool vibe while I ate it.

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