Friday, June 3, 2016

When a Frozen TV Dinner Does Not Suck

The Law of Frozen TV Dinners that all must suck equally horribly can, amazingly enough, be defeated, albeit in limited circumstances.

Now you take yer Marie Collander Spaghetti and Meatballs frozen dinner and go through the basic of ritual magic to transform it to a minimal level of edibility.

Thus far the process is bound by the Law of Frozen TV Dinners and it's going to suck, not as badly as some but no less than the law mandates.

Get you a fistful of banana peppers to spread over your pre-programmed creation and then give it a healthy cover of chopped red peppers.  Then it will be needing a good whack of parmesan cheese.

Stand back for a moment as magic happens.

It's remarkable how a mundane serving of nutritional crap becomes an actual pleasure with even a bit of taste bud excitement each time they find another banana pepper and there's a bit of thermal titillation from the red peppers.  The parmesan cheese brings a Marin County mellow over the concoction and, voila, the meal is transformed from mundane crap to good eatin'.

(Ed:  what about olives?)

Green or black?

(Ed:  both!)

Good thinking.  Must try that too.

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