Friday, June 10, 2016

Then There Were Calls for Boudika 2.0

After Donald Trump learned how to use a teleprompter to audition for Megyn Kelly's job, pundits started calling him Trump 2.0 for acquiring this skill.  Perhaps when he learns to balance a ball on his nose while he catches fish they will call him Trump 3.0.

From this we observe Pundit 0.0 has never been upgraded.

The idea of Trump 2.0 elicited a call for Boudika 2.0 but we caution this is a singularly bad idea.

Why, asked Yevette.

Because everybody fookin' died!  Boudika killed all the fookin' Romans but they regrouped and killed her right back.

We need to digress a wee bit since Boudika was an Iceni queen of a Celtic tribe in Britain somewhere around the Third Century.  The Roman occupiers imposed the harsh and brutal leadership but made the unfortunate mistake of savaging Queen Boudika and, worse, brutalizing her daughters.

Boudika needed her revenge so she amassed her Iceni tribe, called the surrounding tribes to join her, and went to war killing one exceptionally large pile of Romans and, along the way, burning Londonium to the ground.  Even Hitler didn't manage so much damage or wreak so much havoc.

Regrettably, that did not end it since the Romans regrouped across the Channel and then returned to fookin' kill them back.  That did it for Queen Boudika, the Iceni, and who knows how many others with the result the Romans did not leave Britain for several more centuries.

Note:  the return is when it is written the Romans wiped out the last of the Druids.  The sneaky Romans landed on the West coast, somewhere South of Liverpool, and that's where it is written they finished it with the Druids.

The tale of Boudika is the ultimate anti-war epic tragedy but filled with a prime measure of righteous revenge all of which amounts to not one single positive thing and in the end consumes our heroes.  The story can't be topped since it's the Romeo and Juliet of revenge and it's perfect because everybody dies; Russians will love it.

Note:  Brits built statues for her but call her by Boadicea, her Latin / Roman name.  Such comedians, those Limeys, huh.

So, we repeat, Boudika 2.0 is a seriously bad idea, worse than bringing back eight-track tapes, Tiny Tim, or long-distance balloonists.

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