Saturday, June 11, 2016

The Sound of Millennial Spines Collapsing

We saw in the last few days Millennial resolve disappearing faster than a fart in a windstorm and likely what happened is they failed to realize their parents are Establishment as well.  Those concerned parents likely worked them over to conform.  Sure as hell, the Millennials rolled and now we know what would have happened if the hippies and freaks had been spoiled as assiduously as the Millennials:  absolutely nothing.

There won't be any revolution as those poofy stiffs would have to interrupt their self-adoration sessions and that would never do, would it.

In the sixties, the mantra was 'trust no-one over thirty' but I they forgot that one.  Too bad as we see it's important.

The Millennials have given us one of the most spectacular philosophical caves in American political history and we will look forward to talking to Cadillac Man about that:  has there ever been a time in that history in which any interest group has rolled over so far and so quickly.  That anyone can jump from Peace Man Sanders to War Hawk Clinton is one stunningly facile demonstration of political commitment.

There are two stages in voter evolution in America.  The first part is the thinking stage and, not surprisingly, this doesn't last long.  That's surpassed by the pick-a-winner stage and then any issues don't matter, my horse is going to win.  Trump and Clinton have hit that stage and logic is useless with their supporters now.   No-one can tell them anything anymore because they're wrapped up in so much red, white, and blue bunting plus dulled by the world's worst in jingoistic music.  This is the point at which they turn into soccer hooligans and we saw how much fun they have in Marseille just now.

(Ed:  it's a bitch when young disenfranchised people have to travel to beautiful places in other countries most people can't afford to see so there they can demonstrate their hopelessness and pitiful lots in life.)

Yah, that brought a tear to my eye as well.

The remarkable thing about the Millennial Rollover, beyond the speed of it, is the claim they are now working within the system.  They say it ever so glibly that Clinton won the popular vote and yet they saw election fraud in one state after the other so they don't even know what the popular vote was.  That crew looks shallow like an African lakebed in the Summertime.

We see backbone like linguini in the rain.

The outcome of the election doesn't really matter that much here at the Rockhouse since we wouldn't get anything out of it anyway except the hope the country will start taking better care of itself and her children.  That kind of idealism should have burned out decades ago but it didn't and still there's the seasonal return of the thinking, maybe they will get it right this time ... or maybe next time.

Well, maybe with the next generation because it doesn't appear likely with this one.  The obedience training worked rather better than the powers-that-be anticipated as now they have a crop of pre-programmed robots.  There's one salient feature to robots:  they have no initiative whatsoever.  The rest of the world moves ahead and America keeps doing the same old things over and over and over.

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