Saturday, June 11, 2016

Monsanto and Abby Martin - Mixing Up GMO and Corporate Corruption (video)

Abby Martin is maybe the best investigative reporter around but she's not infallible and the edition of The Empire Files in which she talks about Monsanto is an example of that.  We respect her tremendously and vastly more than the standard crop of talking heads who insult us with their blondie style of useless information in an endless stream of mindless yak.

You will see immediately Abby Martin is one ferociously intelligent human but sometimes she gets a wee bit too carried away.

There are two considerations which are routinely jiggled in discussions of Monsanto with the first being production of genetically-modified food products and the second is indiscriminate production of a violently destructive chemicals.

The obsessive need to take down GMO food hasn't yielded much science and it hasn't taken down much food either.  The biggest problem isn't so much inherent in the food where little to nothing has been demonstrated, using any valid scientific method, to show any harm.  However, the point regarding genetic diversity is true since Monsanto has actively sought, in one case through overt manipulation of European Union law, to restrict access to various seeds, specifically for tomatoes in the EU but not limited to those crops.

Those aspects of GMO are one consideration regarding Monsanto and the other is the egregiously poisonous products they make and distribute.  As we have seen by regular explosions from Texas chemical plants, governmental inspection of such facilities is weak and ineffective.  No doubt it would cost too much to do anything for public safety, don'tcha know.

Here at the Rockhouse we don't consider GMO to be particularly important and it's so widespread anyway it's almost meaningless.  However, the chemical pollution from Monsanto is a willful and egregious offense against nature and a classic example of the indifference of American corporations to any considerations of morality if that should any way compromise profits.

We really don't care what you do since we won't see it anyway but it's a bit disturbing to see such remarkable indifference to the future for your kids.

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