Friday, June 3, 2016

Silas Scarborough Brings the Levitating Stage to Red Palms (video)

One of Silas Scarborough's best stage tricks online was rising up from underneath the stage to begin the performance.  The idea was blatantly stolen from Randy Hansen and his appearance from underneath the fog in a real life stage performance but this mechanism does it an entirely different way.

The video is seemingly only four years ago but I have zero memory of the event.  There's mention of loving someone but who knows if the person was even there.   I was with Cat most of the time I was in Greece and ever since so the timing on the video is highly questionable or maybe that's just when it was posted.  No idea when it actually happened but that aspect is trivial since the stage levitation was something I really enjoyed for shows and I still have not heard of anyone else doing it.

Note:  I never gave away the code for it but the logic is hardly a hack of the U.S. Fed and hackers do that one just to warm up each day as they begin their nefarious tasks.

Thanks as always to Ron Bizzle (Facebook) for shooting the video as he is the Once and Future King of Second Life Video Historians since he has shot thousands of videos and his YouTube channel for Robert68 Little gets many thousands of hits.

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