Thursday, June 9, 2016

Euros Have the General Impression Clinton can Defeat Trump

In a small sample, it was consistent to discover Euros with the thinking Clinton can win in a debate with Donald Trump.  How much of that thinking is based on media distortion of the persona is impossible to determine but that thinking exists.  Coverage in The Guardian was been more moderate than most but with a huge helping of uninspired and lackluster feminism in some of their featured op ed writers.

Consider further, tho, regarding Clinton's viability and recall how she responded when questioned on her handling of the Veterans Administration in the first debate.  She had no answer and said she would respond at a later time.

That inability to think on her feet is precisely why Trump can defeat her since he revels in improv.  Some of it comes out wildly insane but Clinton can't handle anything going off the script when she's only a surrogate for Bill Clinton anyway.  When she gets flustered, she turns bitchy and arrogant so it's a simple matter for Trump to piss her off to toy with her so she makes a prize fool out of herself.

Likely you know the type from your own life in which someone gets angry, pushy, and a total pain in the ass.  Such types may accomplish small things by bossing / intimidating someone else to do them but they never accomplish big ones.  The real leaders have the knack for making you feel like it was something you wanted to do anyway and they don't have to boss anything.

Trump has a gift for that and the Wall with Mexico is one of his more ludicrous ideas but his genius was in making people think they wanted it all along.  That ability is damn tough to defeat since he can inspire something more than the message.

Clinton is trying something similar in the latest Win a Trip to Cancun with Hillary campaign they're running to pitch the idea she is making history as the first female nominee.  It isn't true as the first was about one hundred and fifty years ago.  Jill Stein for the Green Party was the most recent.  The only potential history is if Clinton is elected President but our estimation is still that eventuality is remote.

News media makes the cop that Clinton is the first nominee for a 'major party' but they're the ones to define what constitutes a major party so whatever they conclude from that is inevitably biased by their own deliberate choices.

Keep in mind always the Independents have the numbers to knock down the Establishment at any time.  The news media has made tremendous traffic out of participation in the primary elections but they assiduously avoided the numbers of people in the electorate who did not show.  These are the people who can own the election if it's decided any candidate is worthy.  Of the candidates from the (cough) major parties, neither is worthy.  However, that's not the end of the campaigns so I wouldn't dally overmuch with fortune telling so I can stay focused on where positivity may have some real benefit.

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