Friday, June 10, 2016

Election 2016, the Year Everyone Stayed Home

What rational choice remains when there is a barking lunatic fronting the GOP and a double-talking snake oil hustler fronting the other.  Yep, what's on TV, Dean Martin.

When the vibe switched to binary, as most binary vibes will, it got dense, dull, and lacking in taste, all the more so when Clinton dresses like a Kirby vacuum cleaner.

Someone asked how she could possibly spend fourteen grand on that whatever it is but buying it is an easy thing when you're a high-dollar narcissist who competes with much-younger Kardashians but has minimal taste.

So the election comes to a vote between two carpets ... and neither of them fly.

(Ed:  what about Trump?)

That Marlboro Man has such a carpet on his head he could be the Prince of fookin' Persia!

Kannafoot made the suggestion earlier the biggest winner in 2016 will be voter apathy because there's simply no viable candidate for either team who doesn't corrupt all to hell the principles of either platform.

Some are calling 'falling behind Clinton' a part of 'working within in the system' but that's only modern Orwellian for sold the fuck out.

No, honey, you don't get your soul back.  Sorry.

Instead of playing with the campaign, we will take a look at how Washington really works in "Clear and Present Danger" and all those Tory Treasures in the White House.

(Ed:  all of them got their cases retried in Texas courts and got off)

When they can get Tom DeLay off the hook, they could probably get charges against Pontius Pilate dropped.

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